4- The day after

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It's Friday. I try to get a day off school, but my mum's not having it.

"Please mum" I beg with my voice rough and croaky from the crying I did this morning. Luckily her back is facing me or she'll see the state I'm in and start asking questions. "I'll get down on my knees if I have to" I plead "no. You need to go, or your grades are really bad, Minnie. I don't won't them going down more than they have already" she argues, with her back still turned. She points towards the front door "now go."

I fling my school bag on my shoulder and shuffle out the door.

I didn't get any sleep last night. I cried all night. Now my eyes are red, puffy and to add to the list I now have black rings under my eyes. All I can think about is Zahir. I'm drowning in my thoughts. No one can help me but myself. Every time I fight the current, something pulls back under. I'm drowning in Zahir's tears aswell as my own.

I can't live through this without knowing what happened to him. I have to see him, even if it's today or tomorrow, I promised myself never to forget him.

I trudge along the pavement. My house is near the school so I walk everyday. All the sounds of people laughing and chatting makes me sick. How can the live so happily when others can't?

They live their everyday life's while I mope around all day.

Fuck them.

I reach school and inhale a deep breath, preparing myself for another day at school. I plaster my famous smile on my face. Masking away my feelings. My eyes cautiously dart across faces. They look at me as they laugh.

Do they know?

"Minnie, we heard about yesterday" Dennie runs up to me, clasping me in her arms. She pulls away, although she's next to me she seem so far away. she looks behind me searching for someone. My heart pounds in my chest. How does she know? Did someone call the police? Is that why they arrived so quickly? What am I supposed to say when they ask what happened?

"Where is he?" Dennie still searches for him. She finally gives up. A frown forms on her face. "Did he disappear again?" She places her hands on her hips. Again?

"W-what?" I stutter.

Someone's arms fly around my neck from behind "we heard you found Timmy" Zayn cheers. I don't know why but the weight of his arms seem heavier than before. Maybe last nights events made me weaker.

"We saw your video" Blue laughs "looks like you've created a rebellion in one day"

"Thanks" I lightly laugh. Blue frowns, but it only appears for a millisecond "and that Harry," she gives me a knowing look "two words: hot damn" she swoons.

Zayn drops his arms from around my neck. He harshly clears his throat. "Anyway... I think we should head to our classes" he changes the subject.

We all hum and nod our heads in agreement. I reluctantly walk to my English class with Zayn.

We arrive in class early and take our seats at the back table with Liam.

"You're quiet today" Zayn whispers when the class starts. "Mhmm" I hum. I don't have the energy to start a conversation.

"Come on, where's little mouse gone?" Zayn groans, continually poking my side. Mouse is the nickname he gave me. He said it's ironic I'm called Minnie, because Minnie Mouse is a mouse and mouses are quiet. I'm known as the exact opposite.

"Little mouse got trapped in a mousetrap and now she can't get out" I complain. Liam looks up from his work giving me a strange look. I mouth a 'sorry' to him and glare at Zayn.

Zayn laughs "I've known you since... Forever! I know when you're upset" he raises his eyebrows. Unfortunately, that's true, I've known Zayn for as long as I've known Blue. He's been like my big brother since primary, and he's a total pain.

"Promise not to tell Blue" I plead, staring into his eyes. "It can't be that bad" he nervously laughs. I continue to stare into his eyes, silently pleading. "Okay" he sighs.

I inhale all the oxygen I can conjure "yesterday, Zahir and I-" my gaze adverts towards the classroom door; that had just been thrown open.

Right before me stood Harry.

"This is Harry Styles, he's new to this school" Harry's green orbs instantly find mine. He gives me a dimpled smile whilst making his way over to me.

"Umm... Sure, go ahead and find a seat" Mr. Llama fumbles.

Harry takes the seat opposite Liam.

"Hello love" he smiles. Although we're both British his accent is different to mine.

I nod my head in acknowledgement.

I focus on my work, staring at the lined paper in my book. I have no clue what to do. I look over to Zayn's book, just to see him just as clueless as I am. He hasn't even written the date! I don't take the chance to ask him what to do. My gaze moves to Liam, he's furiously writing and jotting down notes. How do you write that fast? If I ask now I don't think he'll hear me over the voices in his head. He stops to think about something. That's when I take action.

"Liam" I whisper. No answer. "Liam!" I whisper/shout. Silence. "Liam!" I hiss. His head snaps up. Rapidly blinking, he slowly turns his head towards me "yes?" He frowns in confusion.

"What do we have to do?" I ask. I feel guilty for pulling him away from his work, but I needed to know what to do. "Alice in wonderland " was his answer. He pouts as he stares back down at his work and curses under his breath. He probably forgot what he was going to write.

I turn back to my book to jot down ideas about 'Alice in wonderland'. "Minnie" someone's voice whispers. I ignore it. "Minnie" it repeats. I tear my eyes away from my book to search for the source. My gaze falls upon Harry, but he's engaged with his work. I continue to survey the room. I turn my head to the left to find Zayn grinning from ear to ear.

"You look like the Cheshire Cat" I laugh, covering my mouth to mute the sound.

"So are you going to tell me why you're upset?" he questions.

"Are you going to tell me when you decided children were your prey?" I snicker.

"I'm not a pedophile" Zayn cries. The whole class, including the teacher, turns heads.

He puts up his hands in defence "ignore me" he awkwardly laughs.

"You look like one" I smile, innocently. He glares at me. If looks could kill I'd be dead within seconds.

I laugh off the fear. "Tell me" He persists "what?" I fake my innocence. I know people say talking to someone helps the pain, but do I want to talk to Zayn? He might laugh at me or judge me. He'll probably tell me that Zahir was no good from the start and he didn't deserve me. I don't want to hear that. I need to get this weight off my shoulders, talking to someone might be the only solution. Wether it's Zayn or not, I can't go through this on my own. I need to know if Zahir's okay. I need to know if he can survive inside. I love him and I'm not giving up on him.The tension in the room has risen, but I'm the only one that realises. "tell me why you were upset" he jeers.

"Stop talking!" The teacher shouts.

"Meet me after school" I sigh. I feel Zayn's eyes on me, but I choose to ignore it by directing my attention towards my work.


Sorry guys ,short chapter.
There's nothing interesting about this chapter , but hey I gotta write something.
Author notes are sooooo fudging boringgg.
Harnie. X

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