13 - Speak Russian To Me

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"Harry!" I yell across the sports field. He's wearing blue shorts and a matching blue shirt, curtesy of the ugly, bland P.E kit.

He turns around. "Yeah?" He shouts from the other end.

"Come here!"


"Come here!"

"I can't hear you!" He jogs over to me. His hair flies into his face, he shakes his head to get rid of it. He slowly licks his lips as he starts run. It's like watching a bad episode of Baywatch. Everyone is moving in slow motion. Harry's face shows pure determination. His lips are parted as he runs.

Suddenly, he trips over his own feet and lands on the ground at my feet.

I burst out laughing as he crawls to his feet. "It's not funny" he says seriously.

"How does it taste, Harry? How does it feel to eat dirt?" I can't control my laughter.

"Is there a reason you screamed my name?" He asks, looking bored. His hair keeps flying into his face and he pushes back with frustration.

"I don't scream" I huff.

"That's what she said."

My jaw drops at his quick comeback. He smirks, only to be smacked in the face by his own hair. This time his hair goes into his mouth. He spits it out, pulling a strand of hair out his mouth.

"That's nasty" I grimace as he pulls the long strand of brown hair.

"Your face" he snaps back.

Before I can think of a comeback the teacher interrupts me. "Right! We're going to play cricket, football or rounders. Whoever wants to play cricket stand on this side." The P.E teacher points to the right. "Rounders on this side" he points to the left. "Football is behind me."

Every P.E lesson, football is always an option. Can't the teachers think of another sport other than football? It's not like it's the only sport in the world. In the end, I always choose football because I can act like I'm in defence and not do anything. I'm terrible at all sports. I'm surprised I can roller-skate.

"But sir, Blue can't play cricket. It's too straight for her. She'll have to stick to rounders, since she's as straight as a circle." Dennie cracks up at her own joke. "I've always wanted to say that" she wheezes, slapping her knee.

"Idiot" Blue mumbles under her breath.

"What do you want to do?" Harry asks me, still holding back his hair with his hands.

"Football" I answer simply, eyeing his hair.

Harry lets his hands drop, receiving a mouthful of hair. He groans in annoyance. "Don't you have anything to tie your hair up?" I ask, wanting to tie back his hair. Nobody deserves a mouthful of hair. Not even Harry.

"I forgot to bring the stretchy string for my hair" he huffs.

"The what?" I gape in disbelief.

He points to the two hair bands in my hair. "Those things" he explains. I successfully hold my laughter as I look into his eyes. He looks so innocent and pure. Lies.

"Oh Harry" I shake my head "you're adorable" I pinch his cheeks like a grandma. I can't believe he calls hair bands stretchy strings. Did no one at home correct him when he asked where the stretchy strings were? How long has this been happening? And why did I only find out now? Where has this guy been all my life?

"Stop" he pouts, slapping my hands away. Another gush of wind blows, covering his face with hair. "This is what I get for wanting to grow my hair" Harry speaks to himself.

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