6- secrets

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"What's going on?"

I turn around to see Zayn, with a slight smirk on his face.

"Nothing" I blurt. Harry and I weren't doing anything wrong. Why do I feel so guilty?

"Sure... nothing" he drags out the word 'sure'. He nudges his head towards my hand that's still placed on Harry's shoulder. "I'll give you two some privacy" Zayn turns around and waves us goodbye.

"Zayn" I groan, bringing him back "Harry and I are just friends" I wave my hands between Harry and I.

"We're friends?" Harry seems shocked "Are you sure?" He smirks.

I don't know why I just announced that Harry's my friend. It just slipped. We are more like acquaintances. Acquaintances that just happen to almost kiss more than once. Harry's my acquaintance that always kisses me goodbye. My acquaintance that always makes me laugh when they're around. My acquaintance th-

"Minnie!" Harry pokes my cheek, snapping me out my train of thoughts. He's facing me as he harshly pokes my face, grinning ear to ear.

I slap his hand away "fuck off Harry" I curse, rubbing my cheek. My face now hurts.

"That's not nice I thought he was your friend" Zayn smirks.

"Shut up" I groan. Being with Zayn and Harry gives me a headache.

"Well, if you were listening you would know that I'm leaving" Harry announces.

"Where are you going?" I ask out of curiosity.

Harry replies with a mischievous grin. "To my girlfriends" he simply says, looking at me for a reaction.

I choke on air "g-girlfriend?" My hands get clammy. He has a girlfriend. Why am I surprised? I mean look at him! Why am I reacting like this? I don't care if he has a girlfriend, I have a boyfriend. He can go and do mushy stuff with his girlfriend. I can do that with my boyfriend... Except I can't because my boyfriend is in jail, because of me.

"Yes-" he's cut off by his own phone. He checks the caller ID "that's her" he smirks.

"She's a lucky girl" Zayn chuckles.

How is this funny? Am I the only one who doesn't find the humour in this?

"I've got to go" Harry declares, stretching his arms up. He brings his arms down and encases me in a bone crushing hug, lifting me in the air. My arms are squished between our chests. This feels like déjà vu.

"Harry!" I feel like his mother. I always have to tell him off. "Put me down!" I squeal.

Moments later he finally places me on the floor, but doesn't remove his arms from around me. He leans forward towards my ear and whispers "I don't have a girlfriend" sending chills down my spine, causing me to squirm.

Who called him then? I should be angry he lied to me, I think part of me is. Most of all I'm relived, but I shouldn't be. "W-what?" I'm speechless. I can barely manage to choke out one word.

"I think you heard me the first time" his deep chuckle echoes through my ear.

Releasing me from his hold, he pulls back. "Goodbye Minnie" he places a lingering kiss on my cheek. This time he doesn't run.

"Bye" I whisper.

"Wow!" Zayn dramatically exclaims. "Minnie I think we should go before things get..." He looks at me and Harry "not PG" he raises his eyebrow.

I look up at Harry. Our faces are almost touching, we always end up like this. I step back, keeping my distance. I have a boyfriend I keep telling myself.

"We're friends" I state.

I walk off fed up with Zayn's accusations.

Why can't people accept that Harry's my friend? I have friends that are boys, like Zayn. People never believe I'm dating him, so why is it different with Harry? I can keep a guy as a friend, without making out with them. I have a boyfriend for fucks sake. A boyfriend who needs my help and I'm going to see him, with or without Zayn.

"Mouse!" A hand clasps down on my shoulder "I'm sorry."

"For what Zayn, for accusing me of being a cheat?" I snap. I narrow my eyes at him "just go" I'm on the verge of crying now.

"Minnie what's wrong?" He reaches out to me.

I yank my arm back "fuck off Zayn!" I push his shoulders, causing him to take a few steps back. I snap my head around and walk in the opposite direction, not looking back. I feel my tears run down my face, but it ignore them.

When I think I'm away from him, he grabs my wrist, spinning me around. Then he does the unexpected, he pulls me in his embrace. I try to break free by hitting his chest, but I don't have enough energy. "Shh" he soothes, stroking my head. He hugs me tighter as more tears fall from my eyes. My legs weaken and I collapse on the ground with Zayn's arms around me.

I give up on fighting him. I don't have the strength. "I should've helped him" I cry into his shirt. I take handfuls of his shirt into my small trembling hands.

"Helped who?" He tries to pull me back so he can see my face, but I bury my face further. I don't want anyone to see me cry.

"It's all my fault" I choke, crying even more.

We're sitting outside on the ground, in the winter. Somehow none of that matters to me. The pain inside is worse than the physical pain.

"Minnie you can't blame yourself for whatever happened" Zayn tries to convince me. He uses my full name instead of his nickname "can you tell me what happened?" He successfully pulls me away from him, linking our eyes.

His eyes are full of worry and sincerity "please" he whispers "I've never seen you like this" he brushes the hair out my face.

I shake my head. I don't want to bring back the trauma. I thought I was brave enough, but the truth is I'm not.

He sighs, pulling me up "lets take you home" he wraps his arm around my waist to carry me home.

"Thanks" I mumble, not knowing if he can hear me. "Don't worry" he tightens his grip around me when I trip on a stone.

A few minutes later we arrive at my house. I fumble with the keys before opening the door.

"Minnie?" My mum calls from the kitchen.

I sigh "yes" I answer. I don't feel like talking to anyone right now.

"Your dinners ready" she peeks her head around the door "hello Zayn" she nods "are you staying for dinner?"

Zayn opens his mouth to reply, but I speak first. "Mum, Zayn and I are going upstairs" I declare, waiting to see her reaction. She can be overprotective sometimes.

She waves us off "okay" she says before walking back into the kitchen.

I'm momentarily stunned. She had nothing to say about me Zayn being upstairs, in my room, alone. I think it's because she's known Zayn since he was young. I guess she trusts him.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Zayn asks.

I shake my head "I'm not hungry" I mumble, walking up the stairs to my room.

We enter my room in silence. I take off my blazer and tie, hanging them up in my wardrobe while Zayn flops onto my bed.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?"

Yay next chapter will be all Zayn and Minnie.
No Minnie and Zayn do not like each other. She sees him as a brother.
They will not end up together, but feel free to dream if you ship them( ship name is Zannie).
And Minnie is still dating Zahir.
Harnie. X

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