19 - Coffee

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That's nice. That's nice. That's nice. That's nice. That's nice. That's nice. That's nice. That's nice.

I blew it. I couldn't say I liked him. The words were right there, yet I couldn't say it.

Prom is over. Its been two weeks since Harry confessed to me. We're still friends for now, but its extremely awkward when were alone together. For example, right now. I'm walking home with Harry's hand rubbing up and down my arm to warm me up. He pulls me to his chest as we walk. I look up at him and see that he's thinking about something.

"What are you thinking about?"

He jumps at the sound of my voice. "Nothing" he smiles. The smile is gone as soon as it appeared and he's back into thinking mode. The selfish part of me wishes that he's thinking of me. I shake my head, he's probably over me by now, he confessed to me two weeks ago and hasn't said anything about that topic. It's like we're both tiptoeing around our friendship and one wrong step could trigger the end.

I can see my breath join the icy wind when I sigh. Harry's hand is still mindlessly moving up and down on my arm. It's not providing much warmth, but I don't have the guts to move away. It feels nice being close. Even if it is in a platonic way.

My heart hasn't stopped racing since I met up with him. I don't think it's good for my health.

"What are you thinking about?" I feel Harry stop, and his hand drops from my arm.

"Nothing." I try to keep my face neutral when I reply.

"Well, we're at the café now so let's go in." Harry gives me a small smile and pulls me into the café by my elbow.


It's awkward.

The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. It must look painful to watch.

All I can hear is murmuring chatter around the café and Harry's irritating spoon hitting the edge of his cup again and again. I pretty sure his drink is cold by now and very well mixed.


God it's annoying.

With a twitch in my eye and both my hands surrounding the cup I'm holding - so my hands can return to their natural colour after almost freezing off - I scoff at his annoying ways.

I take a sip of my drink, closing my eyes when feeling the warm liquid. At least there one good thing in my life.

"So.." Harry starts. He's abandoned his drink and started fiddling with his sweater paws.

 He's abandoned his drink and started fiddling with his sweater paws

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Harry's outfit.

He shyly looks up at me and awkwardly laughs before shifting his gaze elsewhere. "About what I said at Prom..." he bites the corner of his lip before continuing. "I meant every word I said. I like you Minnie."

I choke on my coffee. I didn't think he'd bring this up. I was hoping he wouldn't. Maybe this is his way of getting me to confess. "What?"

Harry brings his eyes to me, making my heart beat a million times faster.

"I like you."


Harry shrugs.

I'm too paralysed at the re-confession to scoff at him.

"I like your smile I guess" he says resting his elbows on the table. He looks me up and down. "You have pretty eyes too."

I blink wanting to close my eyes and never open them to avoid Harry's stare. I use my hands instead and cover my face.

"My eyes are not pretty. They're ugly."

I sit there for a while before I feel Harry's hands wrap around my wrists. His warm hands instantly warm up my cold wrists and I feel my face heat up at his touch.

He brings my hands down to the table, holding them in his. "Your eyes are beautiful." He stares into my eyes with so much emotion that I can't handle right now.

I blink looking down at our entwined hands. I don't know what to do. He brought this up randomly. My heart is not prepared for this kind of emotion right now. I like him but I feel like he could do so much better. Maybe I'm afraid. But of what? "Thanks..."

Harry removes one of his hands from mine to remove his cap and run a hand through his hair. I watch as his hair bounces forward again when he lowers his head.

"I don't know what to do." He whispers.

I frown. What is he talking about?

"Minnie, I like you. You know that. I really want to date you and make you my girlfriend, but I don't know... I guess you don't like me back? I thought you did, but you clearly don't." He removes his other hand from mine and leans back in his chair sighing. "I don't want to ruin our friendship because of my stupid crush, so can we just forget this happened?"


Harry looks at me confused. "No?"

I squeeze my eyes closed for a brief second and blurt out what I should have said 2 weeks ago. "Ilikeyoutoo!"

The corner of Harry's mouth twitches. I could visibly see his eyes light up. "What was that?" He asks.

I look anywhere but at him. "I sorta like you too."

My heart's going to explode.

Harry giggles.

I reluctantly look back at him and find him smiling. He's grinning from ear to ear, dimples and all. He looks so happy. I can't help myself from smiling too.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


Okay I'm so bad at writing confessions. That took me forever to write. And it's still bad :'))
They're finally together though!! Whoop Whoop!

What's going to happen next?

♡ Thanks for still reading guys! ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2017 ⏰

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