16- Freaking Out!

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-•- Dennie's p.o.v -•-

The decorations aren't up, the food isn't ready and no ones helping me! I'm stressing out!

Here I am jumping to pin this damn decoration on the wall. I can't get into the storage cupboard to collect a ladder, so I guess I'm stuck with jumping... In high heels!

I'm stressing out!

2 hours until prom starts and all I have is a few decorations hanging on the wall. Stressing out is an understatement. I'm never going to get this done! I was so happy to have something that was mine, something I can be proud of. The prom was that thing and now it's a disaster.

In a rush, I quickly slip off my heels and carefully place them in one corner. I had to pay for those heels, there's no way I was going to throw them on the floor. I sprint to the kitchen in my prom dress. It must be an odd sight. I see Annie and Bay - the two dinner lady's - cooking the food.

"Annie is the food ready?" I frantically ask. I hover by the door because I'm not allowed to enter the kitchen. I begin to bit my lip out of fear and nervousness.

"Bay check the oven." The old lady orders the 23 year old. Bay rolls her eyes but gets up anyway. She checks on the oven and shakes her head. My heart sinks.

1 hour 45 minutes until prom.

"On the bright side, the fruit decor is ready" Bay tries to shed some light.

When I don't smile Annie speaks up. "Honey, are you sure nobody showed up? You could check again. There has to be at least one kid there."

"I doubt it" I mumble, slouching against the door frame. This prom is going to go down in history as the worst prom. This a catastrophe!

"Come on, shoo" Annie nudges me away from the kitchen. "Go find a friend or call one."

I wanted to call someone but it's too late. They're probably getting ready and I don't want to sound needy. I sulk as I head back to the hall in the dark. The school wanted to save electricity.

When I enter the hall, there's a boy hanging up a banner with a ladder. He's dressed in a black tuxedo with a white shirt and a burgundy handkerchief in his pocket. Suddenly, he sees me and jumps backwards, almost falling of the ladder.

"Careful, don't want you falling for me." I laugh at the overused pick-up line. "See what I did there?"

He smiles shyly, giving me a small wave.

"What are you doing here, Loki? Prom hasn't started yet. There's 1 hour 29 minutes."

He shrugs. I'm not complaining, I'll take any help I can get. I know Loki because he was helping plan this prom. He hasn't spoken to me, I'm assuming he's mute. Although, I have seen him talking to others, I don't get why I'm different. My eyes travel to his hair, it's the first time I've seen it. He usually keeps his head down and wears a hood or a hat. It's styled up in a small quiff. There's something familiar about him.

He notices me staring and lowers his head. Who can blame me? He's cute. He climbs down the ladder and points to the rest of the decorations.

"Okay, you do the wall decorations and I'll set up the food." He's already grabbing a bunch of decorations and heading back to the ladder. I head back to the kitchen maybe this prom won't be so bad after all.

1 hour 8 minutes until prom.


26 minutes until prom.

Loki's gone. He said he had to pick up his date. Luckily, he set all the decorations while I set up the food and music. It looks great. It's lacking a bit of pink glitter but we all have to make sacrifices.

"It's finally ready!" I squeal. I do a little happy dance.

I grab my shoes and slip them onto my feet again. I comb my hair with my fingers and hope that it's presentable. I don't have much makeup on, so I don't need to worry about that.

20 minutes until prom.

I look around the hall on last time, just to make sure everything is perfect. The silver, gold and black decorations are up making it look like I'm in outer space. There's twinkling lights on the walls, tables and hanging from the entrance. Everything looks magical. It's perfect!

12 minutes until prom.

What if my perfect I'd different to everyone else's perfect? Nobody's going to like it! Which means I've flopped this whole thing. I've ruined everyone's night. Everyone with hate me. Even my friends. Minnie will block me on every social media there is. Blue will never speak to me again. Zayn would glare at me for the rest of my life. Even Harry would abandon me.

6 minutes till prom.

Who cares? I worked hard on this. I planned it and designed it. If they don't appreciate it then that's their problem. I'm the spectacular being here. Not them. Well maybe Loki is a little spectacular. I'm not going to let them drag me down. I'm going to open these doors and they'll love what I did.


1 minute left.

I grab hold of the handle. I take a deep breath and yank it open. The wind whips around me and I realise there's no one there. No ones arrived yet.

"What?" I mumble to myself. I just gave myself an inspiring speech, just to realise no one arrives exactly on time.



Prom is happening!

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