17 - Mouse Trap

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Pic: Harnie!
Harry = Harry Styles (you already knew that :p)
Minnie = Madison Beer
Song = IDFC

Harry's p.o.v

"She's ignoring me" I tell Zayn. Zayn looks away from the decorations of the prom, he rolls his eyes before answering me. "You two are like conjoined twins, you're never apart. It's kinda scary." He shivers.

I lean against the wall and close my eyes. "I should talk to her. Take the jump and make the first move" I open my eyes and tilt my head to Zayn.

"Go ahead. She's right there" he nods his head to Minnie. She's on the dance floor with Liam, smiling and dancing terribly. I frown at the sight of the brown haired boy.

"Why did she bring him? Are they a thing now? She never said she liked him. I can't go over there now, it would be too awkward."

Suddenly, a head is blocking my view. The head is bobbing up and down. "Hey guys! Are you enjoying the party? I decorated this place myself, well me and Loki. I can't seem to find him. He did say he was getting his date, I assumed he was coming here. Oh gosh, what if he went to another prom. He should've told me." She pouts at the thought of not seeing this Loki guy. "Well, tough luck. I hope you're enjoying the party!"

I blink, trying to absorb what she just said. She spoke so fast that I only heard parts of what she said.

"You did good, Dennie" Zayn smiles.

"Thanks!" Her eyes twinkle "it was hard, I'll tell you that."

"Yeah, sorry I couldn't help out. I didn't have any time." He apologises "I promise I'll make it up to you, yeah."

"You don't have to" Dennie tries to refuse his offer. "I was fine with the little help I got." She beams.


"Zayn, really, it's fine. It's just one time and you were busy. Stop worrying about it." She lets out a small laugh. She then gasps as if she's remembered something. "Harry!" She points at me.

My heart skips a beat from the shock. "Yes?"

"Why aren't you with Minnie?" She scowls at me.

"She's with Liam" I mumble, not wanting to talk about Minnie anymore.

"Obviously," Dennie rolls her eyes "I can see that, Harry. But why aren't you over there trying to win her heart." She swoons, placing her hands over her heart and swaying side to side.

"Win her heart?"

"Harry just go talk to her. There's no harm in that. What's the worst she could do? We all know that she can't handle being away from you very long." Zayn advises. Dennie moves out the way and I get a perfect view of Minnie. She's hugging Liam.

I scoff and look away. I have a sudden urge to storm over there and tell her how I feel, just to get Liam out the picture. I slowly look back and find Minnie watching me. I hold her gaze for as long as I can because this is the closest I'm going to get to her.

My mouth parts and my frown dissolves. Minnie gives me a small smile and I can't help but smile back. She breaks the gaze and nuzzles her face into Liam's neck.

Liam stiffens for a second before holding her tighter.

Fucking perfect.

I look up at the sparkling ceiling, wanting to to be anywhere other than here. Why couldn't life be simple?


Minnie p.o.v

I release Liam from my embrace "thank you, again" I whisper. He smiles softly at me, that Liam smile that everyone loves.

I leave Liam on the dance floor and shuffle onto the sidelines, towards Harry. He doesn't see me coming because he's too busy staring at the ceiling, but Zayn does. Zayn mouth moves as if he's speaking to Harry, then seconds later he's gone. Harry continues to stare at the ceiling in deep thought.

I take a deep breath when I approach him. "Hi" I squeak. I cough to clear my voice. I straighten my back and act more confident than I actually feel. A weak smile plays across my lips as Harry stares down at me in shock.

"H-hi" he says in almost a whisper.

I advert my gaze and stare at my shoes while Harry turns his head and stares into another direction.



I rock back and forth on my feet. Well this is awkward. I gaze at my feet and wonder what was the purpose of being here. I don't know why I wanted to be here. Maybe because I always want to be near Harry. I sigh. "This is awkward, so I'm gonna leave" I point behind me.

"What? No!" Harry blurts, reaching out to me and grabbing my wrist. I look back at him, amused. Harry frowns "sorry" he sighs "please don't leave" he lets go of my wrist and scratches the back of his neck.

I can see the desperation in his eyes. "I won't" I assure him with a smile.

Harry releases a deep breath and leans back on the wall. I take the place next to him and lean against to wall while looking up at the ceiling. "What is wrong with us?" He laughs lightly, copying my movements.

"I don't know" I genuinely smile.

We laugh and continue staring upwards as if the sparkling ceiling will give us some answers.

After we stand in silence Harry decides to break it. "I like you, Minnie" he admits.

I choke. My head snaps towards Harry. He looks so calm, like he's waiting to be rejected by me. A while later, I'm still gawking at him as he lifts his head off the wall and looks at me. He smiles. He fucking smiles. Dimples and all.

"I really like you" he chuckles "it's ridiculous how much I like you." His curls move as he shakes his head. "Crazy" he mutters to himself.

The words that I want to say are on the tip of my tongue, but I can't seem to get them out of my mouth. 'I like you too' is what I want to say. However, I never get want I want. "That's...nice" I say instead.

I'm an idiot.

A complete idiot.


Writers block is a bitch. But I made it because I updated!

After all this time...



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