18 - My boots!

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Harry p.o.v

"Dennie" I groan at the bouncing girl next to me. She's been following me around the whole day and copying every word I say. Also, she's wearing matching clothes. I don't know how she knew what I was going to wear today. She cut her hair for Prom so her hair is exactly the same length as mine, and curly. It's like we're twins.

I don't like it. It's creepy.

"Dennie" she imitates my voice before giggling. She fixes the fedora on her head and straightens her oversized white t-shirt.

I sigh and continue walking to my house. I'm going to be stuck with her the whole day. I don't know why this is happening, but I know that I won't be able to get rid of her. She begins humming a song in her head. I realise that this is the first time I've been with Dennie alone. This day is going to be like a bonding session. Great...

Finally, I reach home. "Mum I'm home!" I yell through the house. Dennie skips in after me.

"I'm in the kitchen" my mum calls out.

"I'm going to meet your mum," Dennie squeals. Her eyes sparkle with excitement. "This is amazing! What should I call her? Mrs. Styles? Wait I know!"

"What are you going to c-" Dennie skips off before I finish my sentence. She looks in every room, trying to find the kitchen. I follow behind her, dreading every second before she finds the kitchen. I never know what she's going to do.

She finally finds the kitchen and sees my mum cooking, with her back turned. Dennie runs up to her and hugs her from behind "hi mum!" She exclaims.

My mum jumps at the unfamiliar voice. Dennie releases her and my mum turns around. She looks at Dennie and her eyebrows furrow in confusion with a slight smile on her face. Her eyes land on me. "Who's this?" She asks in amusement. "And why am I seeing double?"

"This is Dennie" I tell her after giving her a hug. "She's dressed like me and I don't know why. She's also following me around."

My mum looks towards Dennie, slightly worried. "I'm his friend," she grins. She turns to me " as Harry forgot to mention. I'm dressed like this because it was a dare. Don't worry, I'm harmless. Like a little tornado."

"Tornadoes aren't harmless, Dennie" I deadpan.

"Little tornadoes are less harmful than big tornadoes" she says in a duh tone. "And they will blow you away, just like me" she flicks my nose. I frown at her and she scrunches her nose and shakes her head as if I'm a child. "Adorable" she says.

My mum tries to absorb all the information. She shakes her head and clasps her fingers together. "Okay, hello Dennie. It's nice to meet you. Harry you didn't tell me you had a friend" her tone is hinting something.

I frown. Then it hits me, "Dennie's not my girlfriend. She's just a friend" I say.

"If you say so, honey" my mum waves me off.

"Harry!" Dennie exclaims, shocking everyone. "You live here..."


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