10- Harry Will You Be My Prom Date?

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It's lunch time. Zayn's sitting on my left. It's just us two because Harry wanted to spend time with Princess and Blue's missing. Dennie's been busy with planning prom, so I haven't seen her around school lately. Speaking of prom, I haven't planned anything. I have no outfit to wear and its next week! I don't even have a date.

"Do you have a date to prom?" I ask Zayn.

Zayn plays with his food, shoving it to different corners of the plate. "No," he looks to me "do I need one?"

"Zayn, it's prom, of course you need one" I look at him in disbelief.

"Why? Why can't I go alone? Plus, no one would want to go with me anyway." He stabs a carrot and shove it in his mouth.

I was going to object, but Blue interrupted me. "I got a love letter!" She squeals, squeezing herself on my right. She shoves the letter in my face.

"Umm... Wow!" I read the letter. It's really cheesy, but I guess Blue likes cheesy. "Amazing!" I smile.

There's one sentence that stands out to me.

You know who I am and I know who you are, but for now you can call me...

Your not so secret admirer.

There's one person who could have written this.


"Isn't it adorable" she gushes over the piece of paper.

I look to Zayn giving him a knowing look. He refuses to make eye contact and sinks into his seat. "It's... Something" I turn back to Blue forcing a smile.

"OMG! This guy can be my prom date!" She pushes her chair back "I'm finding this guy" she says with a look of determination.

"Great" I smile, but it turned into a wince. Luckily, she didn't see because she already rushed out the canteen.

I push Zayn in his shoulder "what the fuck?" I exclaim. "You wrote a love letter."

"Um... Yeah?" He seems unsure.

"Idiot" I mumble.

A love letter. He actually wrote a fucking love letter to Blue. Sure it's romantic, but now she's hunting for the guy when he's right in front of her. I still don't understand how she doesn't see Zayn's feelings. I always thought she was just blind. Well, people do say love is blind.

I get up and clear my plate, with Zayn behind. After, we head outside and sit on one of the grass hills.

"I need to find a date" I groan into my hands.

"Good luck with that" Zayn chuckles.

"Do you want to be my date?"

Zayn doesn't even look stunned. "Sorry, you're not my type" he smirks.

I childishly stick my tongue out "whatever." I lay back on the hill, staring at the blue sky. There's no guy in this school I like. The only guy I like is... Gone. Also everyone is awkward. The only people who I don't find awkward is Zayn and Harry. But Zayn is loved up and Harry has latched himself onto someone else.

I notice Liam sitting on one of the stone walls, reading a book.


"I'll be back" I tell Zayn. Before he can protest, I run over to Liam. Liam lifts his head when he senses my glorious presence.

I take a seat next to him. "Hey Liam" I drawl, wrapping my arm around his shoulder. "Whatcha reading?" I nudge my head towards his book.

"What are you doing?" He dodges my question. His eyebrows furrow in suspicion.

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