12 - The Look

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Blue's Prom outfit is on this chapter!!


"Why is your hair red?"

"Harry, don't" I warn, narrowing my eyes at him. I swirl my pencil around on the paper, creating a messy circle. I continue to ignore him and face towards Zayn. There's still red paint in my hair because it didn't want to come out. Blue's hair is worse, her hair is still covered with green streaks and lumps of paint.

"Why is your hair red?" Zayn pesters.

"I got into a paint fight with Blue" I explain, wanting them to be quiet.

"That's why she has green hair" Harry laughs "I thought she was experimenting, or something. Green hair suits her. She looks like Medusa."

"Medusa?" I lightly laugh.

"Yeah, the woman with the snake hair. She looks like her. Especially when she gives me 'the look'."He shivers, shifting in his chair.

"The look?" Liam pipes up, engaged with the conversation.

"You know the one where she goes like this..." He turns his body to the right and slowly tilts his head towards us. He narrows his eyes, giving us a stern glare while pursing his lips.

"She gives me 'the look' too" Zayn admits. They both shiver.

I laugh. "Why haven't I received this look?" I use air quotations for the word 'look'.

"You haven't done anything bad to her" Harry explains "the other day I moved her chair back when she got up. And when she sat down, she fell hard. She even made that 'oomph' sound. The whole class saw, but sat in silence, blinking. Her cheeks were red when she gave me 'the look'. It was funny because she looks so small and defenceless, yet terrifying at the same time. She kicked me because of that. I had a bruise for three days."

"Yeah, my story isn't much better. In fact I have loads of story's where she's given me 'the look'." Zayn chuckles, shaking his head. "There was this time when she was ignoring me, so I got angry. I saw her in the corridor and stuck my foot out. It was meant to be a small trip, but of course Blue is like Bambi and doesn't know how to stand let alone walk. So she dropped. I'm talking about a, legs buckling, body sliding, face smashing drop. She laid on the floor with her face rooted into the carpet."

"Did you help her or leave her?" Liam asks with wide eyes.

"I poked her shoulder with my ruler because I didn't have a stick."

"That's how you checked if she was dead? High-five." Harry stretches his arm across the table.

I smack his hand away "no high-fives. I wanna hear this" I nod my head to encourage Zayn to carry on.

"Where was I? Shoulder poking. After that I wasn't sure if she was dead or not, so I kinda stood there. She just laid face first on the floor. It was one of the most awkward moments of my life. People hopped over her and some gave me weird looks, like I was going to kidnap her. Class had started because I was awkwardly standing there for 8 minutes."

"The whole time, you just stood there. You thought she was dead! Remind me never to trust you with my life" I look at Zayn with disbelief.

He shrugs, continuing with his story. "As I was saying... Before I was rudely interrupted." He pointedly looks at me. I scoff, gracefully raising my middle finger. Harry snickers beside me. Liam smirks. "Eventually, I crouched down and flipped her over. She was breathing. I didn't know what to do because she was just laying there. So I thought maybe she needs CPR. I opened her mouth and got ready to give her that mouth to mouth stuff. Then, her eyes shot open. Let's just say I wasn't in the best position. She kneed me in the area where the sun don't shine. She gave me 'the look' while I practically in tears."

I blink.

I was not expecting that.

No one was ready for that.

Zayn definitely wasn't ready for that.

"Ouch" Harry grimaces, clutching his own area.

"Gross" I squeal, adverting my eyes. Harry smirks at my reaction. "Real classy, Styles. Real classy."

"Eyes up here" Harry orders, pointing to his eyes. His stupid smirk not leaving his face.

"As if I'd look there" I scoff, folding my arms.

"Who wouldn't?" Harry adds.


"That's why I just caught you staring, right?"

"I wasn't!"

"No, you were gawking. Is that drool I see?"

I hand immediately touches my mouth. I know there's nothing there, but I had to check. I glare at Harry, the ends of his mouth are twitching. He smirks in triumph.

"There's nothing to look at anyway" I mumble to myself.

Liam chokes, clearly hearing what I said. He acts like it was just a cough. "I can't deal with this" Liam announces.

"Deal with what?"

"All this sexual tension."


"There's no sexual tension" I insist. "Right, Harry?" I give Harry a silent look with my eyes, telling him to agree.

"I can definitely feel the tension" Harry sneaks his hand under the table and touches my knee. I slam my knee against the table, shocked at the contact. I blush from the embarrassment. My knees tingles from the contact or maybe it's because I just smashed my knee against the table.

I look down refusing to make eye contact with anyone.

"Who thinks there's sexual tension?" Zayn asks, raising his hand.

Harry's hand shoots up and I feel like tackling him to the ground for starting this.

I look to Liam desperately pleading him to be on my side.

"I'm sorry." What?! Liam, no! I trusted you. You were on my side.

I slump back in my chair, accepting defeat. "I hate you" I grumble at Harry when he flashes a giant grin.

"I love you too" he blows me a kiss.


I can't stop writing. What's happening? I'm in love with the story line for this book. I just want to get to the plot twists and the major, super, gigantic secrets. That's not a spoiler alert, right? Oh well.

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