Myth or Miracle

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Legend has it that many different animals, ranging from the powerful and ruling, to the weak and frail, had their own special abilities that they unlocked after gaining human-like thought and speech. Humans treated these animals as gods, worshiping them, praising them, and giving them gifts.

Eventually, when these animals died, their spirits started to inhabit human bodies of their choosing, forming bonds like no other. Eventually, the contracts came about. Once someone formed a contract with the spirit, they could work together to achieve the greatest of feats. Everyone took to praise of this and started forming contracts with their spirits.

However, they didn't think about how the spirits felt about these contracts, leading to them being broken. When the contract with a spirit is broken, the spirit takes over the person's body, driving them to insanity. This has caused many disasters in the past, from wars against countries to natural disasters unlike anything seen before.

This, in tern, started to concern the humans, who now dominated the world, so they killed off every animal like this that they found. Little did they think that it would cause even more disasters, almost leading humans to extinction. Since then, they swore to treat the contracts with respect in fear of extinction.


Those stories took place many years ago, and I've heard every single one. My dad said that our family was descendants of those people. He's even formed a bond with his spirit; a velociraptor by the name of Slasher.

I've always wondered who my spirit is. There are accurate tests online that help narrow down the spirits that could've chose you based on personality and future plans. I've taken every single test I could find and kept track of all the requirements to get them to finally speak up and call for you to form a bond.

Each spirit either finds you at a certain age, or if you meet certain requirements. These requirements can range from small tasks, such as getting a certain item or acting true to yourself, to big accomplishments, like standing up for yourself or donating an organ. It sounds weird, but people have come across it before. Keep in mind, they are the ones that chose you, not the other way around.

I've always been looking into how to unlock your spirit and preparing for the day it happens. So far, I've narrowed my list down to, at most, 20 spirits. I had more, but I met all of their requirements and they didn't reach out. My dad has been helping me out too, but nothing came up for them. He's talked to me about forming a contract with Slasher, but nothing is official yet as of Slasher's word (he's not ready for a contract).

Currently, I'm in school. 3rd period just ended and I'm going to math right now. However, I'm not alone on this path.

"Hey, furfag!" I heard from across the hall. The voice was deep and raspy. I could tell who it was from a mile away. I never knew his name. He's not in any of my classes and he's never said his name when I'm around. Everyone just calls him The Spirit Crusher. Mainly because he specifically targets those who believe in the spirits. People like him is the main reason spirituals stay silent about their beliefs.

I start to walk faster to try and escape him, but he comes up and wraps his arm around me.

"Hey man, where ya goin'?" He asked. "I just wanna talk."

"Yeah right," I said. "Whenever you wanna talk, you just end up beating me to the ground."

He flipped me around, almost shoving me to the ground. "What did you just fucking say?!"

"You heard me." I kept my stance and expression.

"Ah, finally think you're so tough now, are ya?"

"If I'll be honest, no. I'm acting on impulse."

"Yeah right, ya nerd." He turned to his friends, chuckling. "This guy thinks he's so tough. He thinks he has a place in this world."

"Did you not hear what I-"

"Can it! You'd best stay quiet, or I'll beat you to the ground." He looks at my books. "Still after those so-called spirits?"

"Yeah, and?"

"I just find it funny. You're still looking for your spirit like your friend with his parents."

"Hey, leave Axo out of this!!!"

"Or what? What are you gonna do, huh? You gonna fight me?"

I stood silent for a bit. "You're lucky we're in school."

"Oh, so that's a challenge then? Alright. After school, 3:20, at the nearby park."

Damn, I really dug my grave this time. I don't think I can smooth talk my way out of this one.

"Well? Are you gonna be there? Or are you just to much of a pussy to attend."

I sketched something on my hand and slammed it into the guy's chest. "I'll be there." I pulled back and slammed my hand shut. "That's a promise."

"Wha- The fuck was that?!"

"Oh, glad you asked! I've been learning about runes recently and the magic they contain. This," I held my hand open, "is a promise rune. Depending on where the rune is held, that's the promise that is made. In this case, I made a soul's promise with you. If I am to not show up, well, let's just say karma will come for my ass."

"Fucking weirdo." He and his friends walked off.

As I walked to class, I felt severely drained of energy. Not because of the rune, but from my anxiety (no, I don't have panic attacks). And there it is. You've officially done it now, you idiot. Nothing to do now than mourn for your father and pray he doesn't do anything messed up.

I messaged my dad as I walked to class.

"Hey dad, we have a problem."

[Oh? What's wrong?]

"You know that kid I tell you about?"

[The bully? Yeah.]

"Well, I made a promise rune on impulse and made a soul's promise that I would go to the park to fight him."

[Oh dear.]

"I'm sorry. ='("

[Hey, it's okay. I'm sure you can work something out!]

"I feel like I dug my own grave."

There was a pause before a message came up.

[Hey kid, it's Slasher.]

"Oh, hey! I'm guessing dad's typing for you?"

[Yeah. Anyway, I believe in you! You can get yourself out of that mess.]

"You really think so?"

[I know so. In fact, we'll be there to help you if you need it, whether it's as an escape or as an ambulance. We'll be there for you.]

"Bit dark, but still reassuring. Thank you. I have to go now. See ya!"

[Not a problem. Bye for now!]

I put my phone in my pocket. Despite all that talk, it didn't help me calm down in the slightest. I set my head down and fell into one of my mental states, before it was quickly interrupted by my math teacher. "Hey, Fang?" She started, "why don't we go into the hall and talk it out."

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