We Fight Together

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"Fang, my lord, how did you do that?!"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter. All that matters is that I have you."

"You are so stubborn."

After a bit, one of the guards came up to us. "Hey, sorry if I'm disturbing something, but you guys have to come with me. No, it's nothing bad."

"We'll be right there."

"You can follow me after I disperse the crowd." He turned to said crowd. "Alright everyone, that's all we're gonna do for today. I know you all wanted more, so we'll refund you the money that would've been used for seeing the phantoming. Please watch your step on the way out, as it is slippery out there."

We got up and walked with the guard. We started passing through the cells and I started to become uncomfortable. There were so many spirits, each one of them looking at us with either disgust or anger. I started trying to move faster. Luckily for me, it was effective.

We got to what looked to be an interrogation room. The guard motioned to a couple chairs asking us to take a seat. We sat down and the guard grabbed some papers. There wasn't much to the room, just a table, some chairs, and that one way glass on the wall.

The guard sat down. "Alright, given that this was a phantoming gone wrong, I have to write a report on it. Honestly, this isn't the first time something like this happened."

"Yeah, we've been dealing with someone who was supposedly phantomed."

"They're especially tough on us, because we have to update the system that the spirit is still alive."

"Out of curiosity, do you have any information on Tara?"

"I mean, technically, yes. We can't give that information to you though. Confidential."

"She's alive, you know."

The guard looked up in horror. "What."

"Yeah, she's the spirit of the principle at my school."

"You're lying."

"I actually can confirm that. She tried to control our minds. She failed, of course, but she still tried."

"This job, I tell ya. Alright, I'll get the police there to-"

"Don't, she'll not only take control of them, but she'll know that someone's coming for her."

"Well, what else are we supposed to do."

"My friends and I plan to take her on ourselves. Our spirits grant us their immunity to the mind control (Can conform). If we take her on and win, then we'll free everyone from her curse."

"To add on, we can also perform a ritual so that she won't be a problem anymore."

"Well, you guys do have a record on ya. Specifically you, Buraddorufu. As long as it doesn't become an issue, we can probably let it slide. Don't do anything reckless, otherwise we might restrain this pest harder (Hey!). Now, I'm almost done with this report. We just need a paw print from you and a signature from the kid."

He handed over the paper to Buraddorufu and he stamped it without hesitation. When he slid it to me, I took a quick read of it. I read one thing specific out loud. "Should the person who signed be convicted of anything, even just a warning, the spirit shall be phantomed on the spot."

The guard showed slight nervousness. "Oh, y-you don't need to worry about that. That was changed recently by the king."

Buraddorufu chimed in. "No it wasn't. He hasn't change any laws in the past 50 years, and even then, it was only a food restriction." The guard was nervously silent. "You really thought that was a good idea? You'd be lucky to get away with this had Fang not noticed it (20/20 vision baby!). Fang, let's go. We don't need to waste our time here any longer."

I got up with Bura to leave as the guard tried to persuade us to stay. "Wait, please, I need to file this in for you to be considered alive! You can't just-"

As we closed the door and started walking out, I looked back to the room. "So how are we going to make you legally alive?"

"I still know where Leon is hiding out. He's been forced to stay somewhere because of that raid on the palace. He should be able to fix it. At least, I'm hoping he can."

"Is there a solution that is more certain to work?"

"Not that I know of. It's either this or we can go back."

"Well, if you have to put it that way, let's go."

I pulled out a portal rune and gave it to Buraddorufu. He activated it and we stepped through without hesitation. It was only when we passed through the portal that we became aware of our surroundings.

"Oh, hey Fang!" Mithra greeted us. I made a slight wave. It felt good to be back at her apartment. "We didn't think you'd be discharged so soon!"

"Oh, no. I left on my own terms." I pointed to Buraddorufu.

Mithra was shocked. "Bura?! I thought you were to be phantomed!"

"I was. Felt the blade slice my neck off. Next thing I knew, this little troublemaker (Fair) came in and... I don't even know what he did. I don't think he does either (No I don't.). Either way, I'm still alive and almost got scammed."


"Yeah. If you read the paper they give you, you learn that you get phantomed if your human so much as commits a single crime. Even if they're let off with a warning."

"God, that's harsh. Well, I need to tell Fang's parents that you're here."

"We're not gonna be here long if Leon's not here. Do you know where he is?"

"He left somewhere, but he didn't say where he was going. All he said was that he needs to spend some time with Xelovoir."

"Well that doesn't help us that much. Guess we'll have to wait here until he returns. Did he say when he was coming back?"

"No. He almost left without a trace when I stopped him. Also Fang, your parents are coming home now."

"What time is it, by the way?"

"It looks to be about 11:00 am."

"Okay. I didn't know how much time had passed. I didn't think it would be that long."

"I actually have a question for you guys. When are we planning the raid now? I know the whole manifest thing set us back, so I just wanted to get a message out."

"We're doing it tomorrow. That should be the next time everyone is available."

"Yeah, everyone told me they want to do it tomorrow, so that should work. I'll let everyone know."

"Alright. We're gonna go to Leon."

"But we don't know where he is."

"The portal rune does. That's how we're able to teleport to you guys."

"Good luck with that."

Buraddorufu turned to me and gave me the rune. "I'll let you do this one."

I took the rune and placed it on the ground. I started to think about King Leon. I thought of Xelovoir as well, as I needed to talk to him as well. As I shed a tear, I activated the rune and the portal opened. I felt the wave of heat blow through my body as I walked through with Buraddorufu.

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