Breaking the Curse

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"Hi, hello, welcome, um ... god I'm so nervous." Axo had a dark blue tint with neon green decals over his body and tail. His eyes were a more light blue color, with markings accenting the blue. He was fidgeting with his fingers and possibly sweating (abnormal, but it doesn't matter).

Axle would be hopping with joy had he been on the ground. "Oh my god, an actual axolotl! And a spirit at that!"

"Ah, right. I forgot you really love axolotls."

"Yeah, he gets like this at times," I chimed in. "So, your requirements are really confusing. I mean, some of them I understand, but the contract thing?"

"Oh, that one. Yeah, he needs to form a contract with me should I become his spirit." He looks over to Buraddorufu, who's turned away from Axo. "Buraddorufu? Dude, it's been years! How've you been?"

Buraddorufu didn't say anything.


I chimed in. "We looked up your past and he's probably concerned about you."

"Oh ..." He turns towards Buraddorufu. "Look man, I'm sorry if I've worried you for so long. I didn't have a choice in it. It was either this or-"

Buraddorufu spoke up. "You could've at least told me."

"I didn't want to worry you. You already had your own issues going on at the time and I didn't want to-"

"I didn't see you ever since we died, and even then, when we did meet, you didn't say anything! Do you know how much that hurt me? I knew something was wrong, but every time I said something, you left or tried to change the subject." Buraddorufu started to cry. "Don't do that to people, you can really hurt them!"

Axo's worry quickly changed to anger. "It's not my fault I swore to secrecy! I didn't have a choice! If I mentioned it to anyone, I would've ceased to exist! What's worse, this or your friend just all of a sudden disappearing in your arms?!"

There was silence all around. Buraddorufu wasn't replying, but you could tell he both shocked and anxious. Axo was breathing heavily from all the yelling, but he was also crying. Axle didn't have a clue on what was going on. He was clearly still trying to comprehend what just happened. I was concerned myself for the 2 spirits. I was unsure of what was to happen with Axo and Buraddorufu was still going through a mental breakdown.

I decided to break the silence. "So, what's gonna happen now? Tell me you're not gonna disappear."

Axo sighed. "No, I'm not. I didn't tell you what happened, but your people figured it out on your own. That doesn't break the conditions set on me."

"Then maybe we can help you."

"It's not as easy as you think. Everything we need it scattered around the world. It would take multiple lifetimes to get everything, and even then, we don't know how it's supposed to work."

"Well, there's gotta be something we can do about it, right?"

Axo looked down in sadness. He didn't respond.


"There is." We all turned to Buraddorufu. He was still facing away from us, arms crossed. "There's a rune we can use for that. It's one of the few hardest runes to use correctly, but with enough practice, we can use it to get what we need."

"What rune is that?" I asked.

"The portal rune. It can create a portal that opens for the user and anyone in range of it. Should it be used correctly, you can go practically anywhere. It's a dangerous rune to learn though, as one wrong move could change your destination from the next house over to a black hole."

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