What's Next?

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As I ran out the school, making my way to the playground, I took a breather by the football stadium we had at our school. I dropped to the ground, feeling more hopeless than ever. I knew Axle was running after me, but it seemed there were to more people that were with him. I couldn't sense who they were.

"Hey, Fang," Axle started, trying his best to comfort me, "it's gonna be okay. We're gonna work this out."

Even though I was crying, curled in a ball with no vision whatsoever, I felt like I was brought up to my feet. "I know why he's like this at the moment." I could only hear what was going on, but I didn't feel my mouth move when Buraddorufu spoke.

"Whoa, since when could you separate yourself from him like that?"

"I wouldn't call it a separation. In order to do this, I still have to be in contact with Fang. He can't feel my body when I'm doing this. Anyway, it's that dictator's spirit that responsible: Medusa."

The guard spoke next. "You don't mean ..."

"Eater of souls, yes."

Next was a girl's voice. "I've heard about her. Isn't she the one that started the war?"

"Sort of. She is responsible for most of the things that happened during the war. Fang's main concern is falling under her trance, so to speak."

"But I thought spirits weren't affected by it."

"You're mostly correct. Only certain spirits are immune, me and Axo being 2 of them. I'm pretty sure Torch is immune, but I can't say for sure. Wait, did you 2 look at each other?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You should've been affected by the trance. How are you not a mindless zombie by now?"

The girl's voice changed. "First of all, rude. Second, I'm also immune to the spell."

There was a bit of silence before Buraddorufu spoke once again. "Never in my life did I think I'd cross paths with you again, Aqua."

I recognized that name. Aqua is a shark spirit. She was one of the first aquatic spirits to ever exist. Axo was going to be the first, but the whole helping death situation prevented it from officially happening. Aqua is a fighter, knowing how to use any form of weapon that she can get her hands on. However, she can be a bit too reckless at times, which had ultimately lead to her death when she tried to fight a dragon. Coincidentally, that was Torch.

"I remember you to," Torch started. "Sorry I killed you."

"You already apologized to me," Aqua stated.

"Wait, I did? When?"

"Earliest was 1426. We were both inhabiting the princess and the prince respectively."

"Oh yeah, that's right."

At this point, I started to calm down a bit hearing the ensuing conversation. I picked my head up and looked at the group. It consisted of Axle, the guard, and the girl who stood up for me. Out of all the people there, the weirdest inclusion was actually the guard.

"Ah, you're alive," Buraddorufu said jokingly. "We were worried about you."

"Yeah," I started, "I know. You can't blame me, though. This is stressful."

"Yeah, the fact that Medusa is the principle of a school really shows how far she can go. Who knows what she'll do if she gets to an even higher position of power."

"Hey," Axle interrupted, "not to burst your bubble, but we have an incoming situation."

The guy in question shoved past Axle. "Out of the way, water boy." He knelt down to my current level. "Sup furfag."

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