The Hunt

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The surrounding area seemed like the inside of a rental home mainly used for college kids. The space seemed as clean as parents expect the house to be before a party and it didn't seem like anyone was home. The place was tidy, tame, and overall peaceful.

"You know, this entire time and I never thought I'd be back at my own home," Slasher commented.

"Same," Viper replied, "and it hasn't changed a bit."

Buraddorufu chimed in. "This was the one place I could think of to go to help with both getting us out of that chaos and helping you 2 with your clothing."

"Thank you, I needed to change out of this. I haven't worn this shit in ages, and I'd rather not wear it again."

"Slasher, is that you?" A voice called from upstairs. Before a response could be made, we see a moth come rushing down the stairs. "It's been so long! how have you-"

We all stared at each other. Despite being a moth, you could clearly tell she wasn't blind. She was just overall confused with many things, but it was hard to pinpoint what it was.

"I have multiple questions, but I'll only ask one: Slasher, what are you wearing? I'm surprised you're not freaking out over it."

"I don't know how, I don't know why, just get me out of it."

"Come with me. I'll get you something more to your taste."

Slasher walked over to the moth and walked upstairs with her. At the same time, a raccoon spirit came down the stairs. He was clearly confused with Slasher, but got even more confused when he saw us.

I took a bit to respond. "We can explain."

"You better have a good reasoning for coming here, otherwise I'm calling the police."

We explained the situation and he seemed to understand it all. 

"Okay, that makes sense," he said after the explanation. "The only question I have is why was Slasher wearing more feminine clothing."

"Damn," Viper commented, "you don't even question my getup?"

"Well, to be fair, you've worn that a lot lately."

Viper paused for a bit. "Touche. Anyway, we don't know why he's dressed like that. That was just what he was wearing when we got here."

"Weird. I've never understood that about the human realm."

"There's a lot of things we've never understood. This is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak."

Slasher and the moth came back down. Slasher was now wearing more urban street clothing. You know, ripped jeans, casual shirt, that stuff.

"Alright, I'm doing better now," Slasher said. "Do you guys wanna head out, or should we stay for a bit?"

"I'd rather they stay," the moth chimed, "I still don't understand shit."

"Long story short, power-hungry Medusa needs to be put down."

There was a brief pause. "I don't know what's worse; the fact that that made sense or the fact that Medusa is still alive."

That comment took everyone aback. "I'm sorry," I chimed in, "what do you mean by 'still alive'?"

"You guys don't remember? I get the humans wouldn't, but the rest of y'all? Medusa was phantomed."

"What does that mean?"

"It's basically a spirit's form of death. If they don't have a use or are considered a threat to the world, they're basically killed off. Not even a second chance at life, they're just dead."

"So she was seen as a threat and was killed?"

"Well, technically, she should've been. Apparently, she's still alive? It makes no sense."

"Do you guys mind if we come here if needed? Kinda like a video game hub, so to speak?"

"I mean, I don't mind, and Derek doesn't care about shit ("Hey!"), so you should be fine."

"Thank you, miss ..."

"Forgive my manners. Mithra."

"Thank you Mithra. You too, Derek."

We settled down a bit before the inevitable torment we'd have to go through. I pulled out one of the snacks I brought and started to eat.

"Oh, that's right," Buraddorufu chimed in, "I'm pretty sure humans are still able to eat food from the spirit realm."

"Does it taste any different from the food in the real world?" I asked.

"Surprisingly, no. If anything, it feels like an exact replica. You just have to find out which brand correlates to that in the human realm."

"Good to know."

"Yeah," Mithra interrupted, "we actually already know what brands translate to that in the human realm. We can tell you which brands are which."

"Thank you." Well, it's not all bad. I'm sure this will pass over very soon.


"I swear, he left without a trace! Even if he did, no one can trace a human!"

"Dander, you naive little bird. You don't know what's possible."

"This has happened before. You should know this! You never have formed a bond with a human, how could you forget?"

"It's not that I forgot. It's that I didn't need to track them down." The creature pulled out an ax much bigger than he was. "You do realize that this kind of thing is punishable by being phantomed, correct?"

"I swear to you, I'm telling the truth. All traces were completely removed."

The beast held the ax to Dander's throat. "You willing to bet your life on that?"

Dander stood his ground. "Yes, I am."

There was a long silence between the 2. The beast lowered his ax. "Fine. I'll let you go, but on one condition. Give me access to your memory, and you get to live. Fail to do so, and I'll take it and your life."

Dander stood silent for a second. "I refuse."

"I'm sorry? Do you have a death wish?"

"I'm not giving you access to my memories."

"... very well then. You shall pay with your life."

Before he could get access to his weapon, Dander pulled out a modified portal rune and activated it with his guards. The beast turned in shock at what just happened. After a bit, he started to laugh. First softly, then louder, and louder, and maniacally louder!

"So that's how it's gonna be. Very well then. I'm taking matters into my own hands."

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