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It's been 10 years since we've fought Tara, and what an adventure it was.

I'm just surprised we didn't lose anyone along the way. 

To be fair, you did die for a little bit.

True, but it wasn't permanent.

Anyway, a lot of things have happened since we won that battle. Do you want to start it off Bura?

I don't see why not. So, first things first, I'm not dead anymore. Well, not considered dead, at least. We sorted stuff out with Leon and he's updated the system to consider me alive.

Speaking of Leon, he officially adopted Xelovoir, so now they're considered family. He also decided to change some stuff around to not only make time for Xelovoir, but also for Xelovoir to be able to take some time off. They've been doing better ever since.

Now let's continue talking about our friends. Starting with Derek, he found a human to form a bond with. It's not a person we've met, though. In fact, his human actually lives in Australia, so I've heard.

Dander actually found a human as well. There's actually something interesting with his human. He's known as a multi-spirit human, which means he has more than 1 spirit. It's an interesting case; very rare, but very cool.

Viper and Onyx went into more of a research based career. Since they left, they've been working heavily with venom and toxins. Viper's suit even got some upgrades with the things that she experimented with.

Aqua and Alexia went into the military. After training, they got a bit more freedom to come back and tell us about what they've been doing. Since they left again, they've been in many battles, being the top fighter of their squad.

Mithra, Slasher and I have formed more of a bond together. Ever since Fang's mom has returned with Mithra, the family has further grown together. Slasher and Mithra are now considered spouses of each other and Fang's parents have been more accepting of us together.

Axo and Axle are learning more demon magic, despite Axo not being possessed anymore. They've learned a lot of runes and are really good with them. They even learned the portal rune, which was a shock to say the least.

Scora was an interesting one to try and contact. After the dispute, she cut all contact with the world. We managed to actually get in contact with her and learned that she and Torch are back together again. Furthermore, she's found a human that Draco has fallen in love with as well.

Speaking of, Draco and Torch continued to climb up the ranks. Eventually, they became popular heroes, going on to fight manifests or other things that were to threaten our worlds.

We actually joined their ranks as well. We became the heroes known as the BloodWolves. It's tough work, but we manage to get through. We don't get paid for this either, we're just doing this for fun. Well, that and we kinda need the blood.

But, yeah, that's everyone. At least, I think that's everyone.

This was an interesting journey, to say the least.

You can say that again. Luckily, we shouldn't have to deal with anything like that any further.

Hopefully. I just wanna relax before I'm phantomed.

Wait, you're still gonna be phantomed?!

I didn't tell you? When you die, they're phantoming me.

You didn't tell me that!

Oh. Whoops. Yeah, you're life is the only thing keeping me alive.

Then you're stuck with me, I'm finding an immortality rune (Wait no!).

The end

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