Spiritual Discrimination

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"Well well well, what do we have here." It was no surprise that the principle was waiting for us at the door. "We have the trouble-making Bloodwolf with his new spirit friend."

I took a defensive stance. "Good to see you too."

"I think we can just get straight to the point. Alejandro, I know you found your spirit. We need to register this spirit into your information. So if you could just-"

"Why can't we just do it out here?"

The principle stood in shock. "I'm sorry?"

"If you're so insistent on making sure the school knows which spirit I have, then you'd be fine having this little talk out here in front of a majority of the school, correct?"

He paused for a bit, looking at Axle and I with a deathly stare. The guard had change into Torch, though it was unsure who he was going to defend. "Detention. Both of you."

I butted in. "For what?! We didn't-"


The guard stepped in. "Hey, you can't just give people detention without a reason."

"Your pushing it, buddy."

"I'm not your 'buddy'. I have this job because I want to protect these kids and their education! Just because someone doesn't want to do something your way doesn't mean they deserve to be detained!"

"That's it-"

"You can't fire me without good reason. That is, unless you're willing to face a lawsuit. I read the contract, 'buddy'."

"You wouldn't dare."

The guard brought out a pair of white maul axes, both accented with a sort of blue color. He got into a defensive stance. "Try us." His voice was his voice and Torch's speaking at the same time.

The principle hesitated. Finally, he sighed. "Fine. We'll do it out here." He pointed to a table in the middle of the common area. "Sit at that table while I grab my laptop." He walked off into the offices.

The guard, Axle and I let out a sigh of relief. The guard switched back into his human form. "I hope you 2 are okay. Do you mind if I stick with you while you guys have your little talk? I don't want him pulling anything on you guys."

"I was just about to ask you that," I replied. "I don't trust that he'll treat us that well."

"Alright. Thank you. This was the only job I could grab, so if I'm losing it, might as well start something on my way out."

I chuckled. Afterward, the principle came back with his laptop. He looked at us with a death glare and sits down. He opens his laptop as Axle and I sit down. I saw the guard walk around the corner, but I could tell he was still in an auditory range.

"Alright," the principle started. "Let's get this over with. Let's start with you, Fang."

My heart dropped off a 10-story building. "Keep your cool. Torch is still near and I'm here if you need me."

Hehe, that rhymes.

"That was unintentional. Don't make a fuss about it."

My attention was thrown back towards the principle when he started to speak. "Alright. Spirit's name?"





"Blood moon."



He paused, looking up. He stared daggers into my eyes, making my heart race. "Wait until he charges." That comment just made my heart race even more. I was starting to sweat.

He stood up from the table and pointed towards one of the doors. "Get out now!" He yelled. Everyone turned to face us. I just stood there, frozen like a statue.


"Get out of this school and don't come back! We don't welcome your kind here." He crossed his arms, scowling at me with an authoritarian look.

"'Your kind'? What is that supposed to-"

"Get out!"

A different kid stepped in. I don't even know her and I doubt Axle did either. "Hey," she started, "you can't talk to him like that!"

The principle turned to face her. "What did you just say?!"

"Spiritual Discrimination is illegal, you can't just kick him out of school like that!"

The entire room was silent. Suddenly, there was a small applause from one person. Then another joined in. Before we knew it, everyone was applauding at the girl and cheering. A chant had started forming. "Keep him here! Keep him here!"

It sounded like thousands of voices were chanting. It was honestly overwhelming, but in an enlightening way. I started to pick myself up, but that was a short lived victory.

"QUIET!" The principle yelled. The entire room went silent. He turned around the room, staring into everyone's souls. Suddenly, a kid started a new chant. "Kick him out! Kick him out!"

Everyone was chanting. People started walking closer. They were the same people, but something stood out. Their eyes. It may not be as simple as it would seem, but their pupils got narrow like a cat. Their eyes were a dark grey and it gave off a soulless vibe.

There was only one spirit capable of this; a spirit who's plagued mankind ever since the spirit war. No one knows her real name, but she's been given the nickname of Medusa. Medusa is capable of controlling other beings to do her bidding, but she needs a host to do so. When in her control, Medusa practically absorbs the person's life force, a.k.a their soul. The soul can still be returned to the vessel, but only if Medusa chooses, which is often a no. Rather, when she's done with a vessel, Medusa consumes the soul, not only giving her more power, but also leaving the vessel to rot, which basically means you've died. It's like if Nirvana took you to hell, so I've heard.

As I'm about to say my final prayers, I hear the final bell ring. I look up at a clock and, after seeing 3:20 on it, I start booking it towards the exit. Though, not before hearing the principle calling out to me. "Fang Wolfgang Bloodborne, you are no longer allowed on this property. Should you return, I will have you arrested on the spot!" (Yes, that's my full name. What a coincidence, given my spirit is a BloodWolf.)

I'd wish to say that was all to this tale. I moved away, started anew, and lived a better life. Sadly, this was only the start.

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