The Anti-hero Spirit

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October 23rd, 2021

A lot has happened since the group got back together (that was May 12th of the same year). The following day (May 13th), my dad formed a contract with Slasher and they've been out and about ever since. This change was actually really surprising to me. My dad never exits the house to do something unless he's gonna be with me. Otherwise, he uses the power of the internet to get stuff done, whether it's groceries, Christmas presents, etc. I asked him what was with the sudden change, but he hasn't given me a straight answer.

While on our vacation over the summer, Buraddorufu started to teach me the runes I needed to learn that would help me become a better fighter. The main one we've been using is a blood rune. He showed me the rune's capabilities, which mainly fall under the category of controlling blood. Then, he showed me how to take that rune and alter it to mage a blood forge, which allows us to make things with the blood. We mainly stick to a staff and toothpick sized javelins.

Speaking of the staff and javelins, we've also started working on our fighting style. The main weapon, of course, is that staff. I've learned how to hold it, some moves I can do with it, and some other accessibility things I can do. I also have already learned how to maneuver the javelins to get them into hard-to-reach places.

The only issue is the portal rune. It's hard for me to use, but I'm getting the hang of it. I can now teleport within a 6 ft radius (it's not much, but this is a hard rune to master). Luckily, there hasn't been any malfunctions with the rune so far, and it doesn't seem like we're gonna be going to the spirit realm any time soon, so I have enough time to learn to use it.

Since that May, I haven't returned to the school. From the looks of things, I've been expelled from it. My dad hasn't put me into a new school, but I'm also not really home schooled either. I did tell my dad about the issue at hand and he said he's actually willing to help us. I asked the group if that was okay, and they didn't really care, so now my dad is helping us. Slasher is teaching dad his own preferred runes and fighting style, which seems to be just classic street fighting.

I didn't really have any major plans for today, but that all changed when I saw a new message on my phone. It was from the guy that bullied me before (yes, I asked, his name is Onyx).

[Hey, do we get snakes in this area?]

"Not that I know of. Why do you ask?"

[I keep hearing a hissing sound. You know, like a snake?]

"Have you checked around the house for any air leaks or something?"

[Yeah. It's not that. It's also always in a specific direction. I think it's North.]

"I think that might be your spirit. It always makes the noise of the animal it is."

[So then what would a shark sound like?]

"Hey, Axo's call was like that bubbling sound you'd make in a pool."

[Huh. Interesting.]

"We're coming over. How close are you to the school?"

[Like a minute walk away.]

"We'll be there in a few."

I put my phone away and got my things together. However, I couldn't leave when I got myself ready.

"Hey Fang," my dad called out, "where are you going?"

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