The Spirit's Call

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I walk outside the classroom and sit on the floor.

"Don't worry, you're not in trouble," my teacher started. "I just wanna talk, if you don't mind."

"I know," I replied quietly. "A lot has already happened today."

"Are you okay with talking to me about it?"

I hesitated at first. "You know that kid I keep telling you about?"

"Did he hurt you again?"

"Not yet."

"Not yet?"

I hesitated again. "I accepted his challenge to fight."


I got a bit louder. "It's not on school property."

"Either way, that's not something to keep quiet about!" She wasn't yelling. It was more of a talking level yell.

"I can't intervene with it. I made a soul's promise."

She quieted down. "Oh, so that's why you won't talk about it."

I got quieter too. "Yeah. If I break the promise, it will soon come back to me in the form of karma. I made the rune and everything."

At that moment, I heard something. A sound that one could recognize from anywhere. The howl of a wolf. I perked up and started looking around.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"I just heard a howl."

The howl sounded again.

"There it is again!" I turned towards the northern part of the hallway. "It's coming from that way."

My teacher hesitated in though for a bit. "Fang, I think it might be your spirit!"

I jumped up out of excitement. "Really?!"

"Yeah. Wait here." She ran into the room. I looked into the room and saw her run for the desk and flip through the disaster binder. She flipped through a couple of pages before stopping on one, reading through it, then started running back out. Everyone started chatting in confusion.

"Alright," she started, "I just looked through the booklet. I can actually bring you to the place you need to be at and help you get everything ready."

At that point, I clenched my head. I just got a piercing headache, like someone just shot an arrow through my head. I screamed in pain. It only lasted a few seconds.

"I figured this would happen." My teacher sighed. "They want you to go alone."

"So you won't be with me?"

"No, but I can still explain what you need to do. Let's start heading for the door."

We start walking.

"So," she started, "what you're gonna do is follow the voice towards the north. At some point on the path, you will find a circle of runes. Do you know how to activate a rune?"

"Yes," I replied. "I've been learning about the runes used in spirit connections."

"Perfect! Now, once you stand in the middle of the rune area, there should be a stone plate. Stand there and your spirit will call to you again. Go to the rune which you heard the call from and activate it. Your spirit will guide you from there."

"Okay. How long will this take?"

"It always depends. Some take only a minute or 2 while some take up to a day."

I nodded. This is when we reached one of the exits. At each exit every period, there was a guard at the door to make sure students don't walk out. The only exceptions I've seen are the Senior Ditch Days that occurs. Other than that, no one leaves without a pass.

We walked up to him and he eyed us like a hawk. "Code White," My teacher said.

He quickly stepped aside, saying one thing before I was pushed along by my teacher. "Good luck, kid." I knew this security guard. I've talked with him before and talked about spirits. That was not in his voice. It was much higher pitched. I looked up as his body starts to change. Orange scales flew all over his body. He grew a tail with a red bladed tip on it. His face extended forward into a snout and a small puff of fire came out. He grew wings on his back, but he kept them tucked in.

He was a rare case. His spirit was a dragon! A smile grew on my face as he winked at me.

I ran out the door and headed north, paying attention to my spirit's calls. At the same time, I started thinking about who my spirit could be.

Alright, so it's obviously either a dog or a wolf, I know that much. The question is: who is it? Let's go down the list I found. Onyx? No, she's not one to form contracts, and you have to not be into a contract to get her. Maybe Hunter? No, I barely go outside. What about glitch? One of his requirements is coding. Then again, people who had him said at least 1 in 3 howls have a glitch in them.

At this point, I've arrived at the rune circle. There were about 15 runes total that I could count, but there were some that were underneath some leaves. Fall: The 1 season I can somewhat tolerate.

I stepped into the middle of all the runes, spinning around to look at them all. Then, the howl sounded. I looked at the rune behind me, but I couldn't tell which one it was. I stood in the middle of the three and waited for a bit. There was only silence. "Call again. I didn't get the specific rune." The howl came again. It was right in front of me.

I analyze the rune. It was unique, but I still remember it, and was slightly terrified. It was a rune I never hoped I would have to scribe. It's a combination of the blood rune and the moonlight rune. A blood moon rune? I've never heard of any spirits associated with this rune.

I carved the rune into my hand with my pencil and, after a bit of hesitation, touched it to the stone. I focused my energy into the rune until my hand started burning. The rune lit up and a line of energy flowed out of the stone towards the center stone. I blinding light shone upward from the stone. It was mesmerizing.

"Alright, head toward the light," A voice said. It was a pretty deep voice.

"Oh, I can hear you!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, wow, I didn't expect that to happen so fast. Anyway, just head toward the center. I'd suggest you also close your eyes; people before have gotten blinded by that light."

I walk up to the center stone. As I step on it, I close my eyes and let my body relax. I started to feel myself float upward. I just relaxed and let the light consume me.

Eventually, it all stopped. I was just floating in what I thought to be blank space. Had I entered the spirit realm? Am I okay to open my eyes?

"Alright, it is done. You can open your eyes."

I opened them slowly. Everything looked like it was pulsing. It was mostly yellow with a few bits of orange and white respectively. I looked down at my body. Everything was still there. There were no platforms. No other people. No spirits?

"Oh, you're facing the opposite direction."

I turned around. My jaw dropped in awe. Not just from the shear fact that I saw my spirit, but also from the actual being himself.

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