A World of Tricks

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The stairway seemed to go on forever, but we eventually made it to the end. The temple seemed like one massive labyrinth. It was hard to tell what direction lead where.Eventually, we ended up coming into a loop. We were just back at the entrance stairway.

"This isn't getting us anywhere. We need like a ghost spirit or something."

"I think Mithra would be able to, but we don't have anything to make another portal rune with. I can't use my venom, blood isn't gonna help, and I doubt fire or water will have an effect. We just have to stick through it."

"Maybe we can have a tracker of some kind." I thought for a second. "Bura, how many spears can you make?"

"Infinite. Why?"

"Whenever we come across an intersection, throw a spear down. That way, we know where we've been before."

"That's a good idea. Hey Torch, do ya think we can combine our magic to make light beacons too?"

"That'll be hard, but it's worth a shot."

As we passed the first intersection, we retraced our path that we had already took. Before we continued on the path, Buraddorufu threw down a spear and Torch worked his fire around it. The spear pointed in the direction we went in and light filled the surrounding area. We went through and made our way back to the stairway. We started by going backwards from where we had came from and took some new paths. It took a while, but it seemed like there was a new challenge up ahead.

Axes were swinging back and forth in a narrow space. It seemed to have a specific rhythm to it. The axes were also spaced out in a unique way. "Yep, this is definitely an agility test."

"God, there's so much blood! How many people could have suffered this bad to leave all this? Not to mention that it seems to be poisonous."

"Well of course you could sense that, Viper. Maybe we can save it for my blood runes?"

"Bura, that's just disgusting. You're lucky you even get to see this. And to think I would've had the other medallion by now."

"No, you wouldn't have gotten it. It takes much longer to get that one. Now, back to this. It seems like we can get through if we just time it correctly."

"Not so fast, kid." Buraddorufu made another spear and threw it to a specific spot. One of the tiles moved down and a blade like that of a guillotine dropped down, slicing the spear cleanly in 2. "Yep. It's trapped."

"Then how are we supposed to get through?"

"I can hover over the tiles. Maybe I can go?"

"Wait, let me test something." Viper loaded a venom capsule into her suit and launched it across the area. She then exploded it when it was by the blood spear, creating a could of toxic gas. The gas revealed some lasers around the top of the path. "More traps."

"Damn, this is gonna be tough. Can any of you reduce weight in some way?"

"I can still hover. I also technically weight 0.04 pounds."

"Jeez, guess you're our go to person for this job."

Torch walked up to the start and started to prepare himself. He stretched, cracked his knuckles, and tucked his tail into his shirt. He took a bit to get a feel for the axes and dove right into it. He wasted no time getting through the course, swiftly dodging all the lasers, axes, and traps that laid in his path. He hopped over the last ax and landed firmly on his feet, even doing a little pose at the end.

"23 seconds. Not bad!"

"You timed me?"

"Yep. You looked like you wanted to speed run it."

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