Chapter 6

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When I reached the back of the bus, I saw a girl who looked extremely familiar. I already felt more comfortable knowing that she was probably someone I knew from my old school. But that comfort went away quickly when she looked up at me and I was able to get a full look at her face.

“You gonna sit down, or what?” she said, raising an eyebrow.

“Y…uhh…yeah.” My voice started shaking when I realized that Abrianna Bartoletti, the girl in my old school with the biggest suspension record, and one of the three with a criminal record, was talking to me. About a seat. On the bus. The one next to her. A part of me was flattered, but that was a very small part. About 90% of me was scared out of my wits.

After a moment of hesitation, I took a seat.        

“So…” I started awkwardly.

“So…?” She urged.        

“I, uh…didn’t know you were coming to this school.”

“Really?” She looked down at her phone. Funny, I thought. That’s not the same phone as she had when school got out, and she doesn’t have enough money for…oh. Duh. Stolen.       

“Hey, you still there?” her voice cut through my thoughts. “I asked you what gave you that idea.”        

“Oh, yeah. Sorry.” I blushed slightly. “I…just heard that you moved to California.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Gossipy bitches.” She looked out the window briefly before her eyes returned to me. “Do you really believe everything you hear?”

I squirmed under her cold glare.        


She smiled knowingly and looked back down at her phone.

 I slumped down in my seat.

 That, I thought to myself, was the most awkward conversation I’ve ever had.

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