Part 26

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Chase marveled at his pack. Their resilience, their tenacity, their will to survive. It woke his wolf inside and got him ready for a fight.

The final one.

At this point, that's all that was left.


"Alpha Chase," a youth bellowed aloud as he came bounding towards him, lights in his eyes and a smile on his young face.

Hearing that name caused the rest of the crowd to turn too, tears watering in their eyes and smiles on their faces. The blonde could only do the same as he bounded towards the crowd, the male hugging each and every member with fervor and pride.

"They all look good huh?" Aaron commented with a smile, the male standing a little bit back so that the blonde could reunite with everyone in peace.

"They really do," Chase spoke, the male picking up a female pup, balancing the toddler on his hip as he almost instantly remembered her name.

"It's good to see you Bella," he spoke, caressing her soft cheek as the girl laughed and giggled.

He took a look around once more and couldn't believe what he saw.

They had rebuilt.

More than rebuilt.

Fortified homesteads surrounded him by the dozens, tended gardens gleamed underneath the sunlight, and vehicles, more than he could count were scattered throughout the site.

All loaded with heaps and heaps of supplies.

It was a glorious sight and he was a more than proud alpha.

"And our Luna? Where is he...?" A concerned elder stepped forward making her way through the crowd, worry and apprehension written all over her face as if she feared she'd hear the worse.

His wolf howled at the sight, the pack not only cared about him but cared about their Luna.

And he would make sure that he would always be safe, even in the afterlife.

Bearing a wolfish grin, he announced to the crowd, "He's safe, your Luna is safe!"

They broke out in claps and hollers of delight, everyone rushing forward for a group hug even the pups, some barely tall enough to even reach his calves.

"I will bring him, I promise that we will all be together again," he proclaimed, this time his alpha speak seeping into every word and reverberating throughout the crowd.


It was late when Chase finally arrived home.

Aeris was the first to greet him. The brunette male bounding over in delight as he threw himself at the alpha, grasping him almost for dear life.

"I didn't know where you were," he pouted, his pink lips forming a perfect 'o' as he stared up at his handsome alpha.

"I know darling," the male spoke, Chase running a hand down the brunette's back, soothing him.

"I have a surprise for you actually," he paused, a grin on his face as he continued, "We will go tomorrow, first thing in the morning."

Aeris grinned at this, the male already excited by what his mate could be surprising him with.

"My brothers already went to sleep but I was waiting for you so that I could too..." he whined, the small brunette grabbing Chase's enormous hand.

The warmth emanating from it and working its way all throughout his pale skin.

Aeris loved that.

"Let's go to sleep then," he announced, Chase, leaning down and hoisting the boy up in his arms bridal style.

The smaller preened at this and snuggled into his chest, and before the alpha could even reach their bedroom the brunette was fast asleep, his soft snores filling the room as Chase turned off the light and then tucked him into the sheets.


Hi everyone!

I went through a rough couple of months, well an entire year and that's why I wasn't really updating. I am so sorry about that and honestly, I have not forgotten about this story. I won't ever! You'll be hearing more from me this year and I hope you all are doing well!

venus xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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