Part 17

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A guttural scream left the boy's lips, his eyes blown wide as pain seared throughout his entire body. The venom was excruciating and Damien's gaze was much worse as he stared into the males' soul. Uncovering his secrets and unearthing the deepest of memories, some that were even lost to the male himself.

The moment ended as quickly as it had started, the vampire finally pulling away, wetting his lips as blood coated his pale chin.

"So much more interesting than I would have ever thought," he grinned sadistically, releasing his paralyzing grip on the human.

"If Chase knew... I wonder how he would cope..." he pondered, turning his back to the male, his grin deepening just marginally.

Sobbing, the male curled in on himself, wrapping his arms around the lower half of his body.

"Please just let me go..." he repeated over and over, shaking back and forth, eyes red and bloodshot.

"Yeah... I don't plan on doing that anytime
soon, for now, just bear with it," he responded rather nonchalantly, the male leaning back on his elbows.

Then there was a knock on the door and Damien went still, the brunette launching up from the mattress and booking it towards the door. He was gone in a flash and Aeris was left alone. The silence filling the space that he had left and in it, he swore he could hear:

'I'm coming for you."


Chase wondered the ashen haze for what seemed like hours, his senses dulled and eyes
filled with black sludge. Aeris had gone. He knew it, the blonde couldn't smell him, just the blood and sweat that seemed to cover the charred grass of the pack grounds.

"Aeris... Aeris..." he panted, as he fell on the ground, the pain in his side pulsating throughout his mind and his entire being.

He felt like he was dying and his heart was withering.

He had failed as an alpha.

He had failed as a mate.

"... Chase!"


The guttural call broke through the sound of the still-burning fire, the male groaning as he tried to sit up. Blood seeping from the wound and onto the charbroiled ground-

"Chase... Chase! Where is Aeris? Where is my brother?"

The figure grabbed him, shaking his shoulders in desperation as the blonde tried to regain consciousness once more.

"I...I... Damien, I lost him," he confessed, "He's gone, I failed him."

Aaron was less than impressed, the alpha yanking the blonde off of the ground in pure anger.

"You said you'd protect him! I fucking trusted you," he sneered, shaking Chase as he dwelled
in and out of consciousness, his eyes closing.

"You're going to get him back and I am going to help you," he said, a growl rumbling deep within his chest as he hoisted the blonde over his shoulder.


Night had started to fall over the castle and Aeris was perched on the windowsill, the male watching as the skyline turned a brilliant shade of burnt orange than crimson red, and all in one blink of an eye. It was gorgeous and Aeris wished Chase could see it.

He wished they could watch it together.

The male felt his hands curl into fists as he let the tears start streaming again, peppering the white polyester of his sweatshirt.

Everyone was dead.

If they weren't, Damien would make sure they were.


His brother and the rest of a pack that he barely even knew, innocent people.

"It just isn't fair" he muttered to
himself, the male letting his forehead rests against the cool glass of the double-paned window.

"What isn't fair?"

He jumped, Aeris whipping around with a gasp. Damien was there, except this time he didn't look too happy and he was scared to even wonder why-

"Are you aware that your brother has a pack? Another band of nasty, dirty mutts?" He sneered, rounding on him with rage shining in his eyes.

"Answer me."

"And don't you dare lie to me, I'll rip you apart then feed you to those damn beasts you love so much," he growled, the vampyre wrapping his hand around the smallers throat, squeezing.

"I-I... yes," he panted underneath his grip, Aeris scratching at the vampires ivory wrist, trying to release himself from the bone-crushing grip.

"Of course," he scoffed, snatching away from him, Aeris curling into himself as he cradled his neck in between his palms.

"Well don't get too excited, I'll make sure I pay them a visit too," he muttered that one
last threat before leaving, slamming the bedroom door behind him as the lock clicked in place.

Leaving him alone with his thoughts and the almost deafening roar of the resounding silence.

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