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It was late when Chase finally returned. Aeris was curled up under the covers in a deep sleep, though it hadn't been easy. The whole night he tosses and turned, missing the presence of his mate next to him. The blonde made him feel safe, secure, and undoubtedly very warm. Werewolves were the best personal heaters.

Chase stayed quiet as he shrugged off his jacket, hanging it on the back of a chair as he made his way to join the smaller in bed.

He had spent the whole day contacting their pack and he had yet to receive any responses probably due to the fact that everyone had gone into hiding. The vampires posed a major threat to their existence and in order to fight back, they had to regain some of what they lost.

Pulling his shirt over his head and kicking off his jeans, Chase joined Aeris in bed, wrapping his arms around the small male's waist. The brunette immediately snuggling into his chest, Chase eyeing the blue onesie that was once again covering his mate in a furry massive heap.

It was fucking adorable.

Tightening his grip on the smaller, he closed his eyes and let the dream world manipulate his reality.

The air was frigid, cold against his bare skin. He had awoken with a fright and somehow he was barefoot in snow, heaps of it. Chase eyed the clearing around him, watching as the sky turned from a pale grey to a dark obsidian. Night had fallen, he needed shelter.

He had been traveling for days and the hunger was growing, ebbing deep down in his stomach.

That's when he saw a figure.

Tall, dark, and extremely menacing as it stood, though something about it seemed hostility.

Chase did the only thing he knew how, he shifted.

The figure charged just as he had finished, Chase undoubtedly doing the same.

He couldn't lose this one.

The morning approached quickly and Chase was awoken right before dawn, Aeris's subtle movements awakening him from his restless slumber.

"Did you sleep?" He asked the smaller, his voice gruff and rough from sleep.

"I tried... but it was hard to... with you not here," Aeris responded, a small frown adorning his rose-colored lips.

"I'm sorry, there's some stuff I had to take care of and I don't want them to be able to track us," he explained softly, the alpha running his hand through the smaller boy's unruly curls.

Aeris knew what he meant immediately, those same creatures haunted him in his dreams. Their time in the castle, Damien and his cruel lackeys staring at him with soulless eyes-

"I'll protect you, you don't even need to worry about it, before long we'll be back with our pack," Chase spoke, noticing Aeris's grim expression.

"I know you will, I don't even doubt it," Aeris responded with a small smile, Chase marveled at the sight. "

"You're my mate and I trust you," he continued, the smaller caressing the alphas cheek gently.

Chase was overjoyed at that and his wolf was too, this is the first time Chase was confident that Aeris was no longer scared of him and it felt amazing. Resisting the urge to tear up in overwhelming joy, he pulled his small mate to his chest, enveloping him in a bear hug.


The pair spent the day inside, snuggled into the bed as they watched some local television. It was cheesy, overdone, and stereotypical but it helped ease their minds off of what they would be facing in the upcoming weeks.

Chase checking his phone periodically to see, he had still not received any word back from his pack.

It was distressing, but he had faith that they survived, they were well and just waiting for the right moment.

It was late into the afternoon when there was a faint knock on their door, the sound almost inaudible to the human ear but to the werewolves super heightened hearing it was blaring.

Immediately Chase pulled a frightened Aeris behind him, the blonde quickly checking the large window that was next to their front door, blue eyes widening at who he saw.


Aeris engulfed his brothers in the biggest hug, Darren, Derrick, and Aaron stood there, the most incredulous look on their faces as tears threatened to spill over their cheeks. Chase stepped back and allowed the brothers to continue their reunion. From Aaron's sleepless bags to the gaunt look that Derrick and Darren wore, they believed Aeris to be dead, and seeing him now was more than surprising.

Darren gave the smaller the biggest bear hug, the male crying profusely, apologizing over and over, "Aeris I'm so sorry... I couldn't get to you... I'm so sorry."

Aaron watched his younger brothers with mirth, a small smile on his face as he watched the twins check over their baby brother making sure he was well and unharmed.

"Thank you for saving him," Aaron turned his gaze towards Chase, a tone of approval seeping through his voice, "We thought he was dead..."

"As long as I am his mate and I am still breathing no harm will ever fall upon him, I told you before and I'll say it again," he spoke with a hint of finality, a grim expression covering his face.

"Damien will pay for scaring him, for even touching him," he continued to seethe as Aaron came over to pat his back, a sort of unspoken alliance between the two alphas.

"And you've got my pack to back you up, we have steadily been searching for your members, us finding you and Aeris was just by chance," the older male trained his eyes back on his younger brothers, the twins still engulfing their brother in what seemed to be the longest embrace.

"My brother loves you, so we do too."

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