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  A couple days went past, and the circus was still around. Unbeknownst to the town, the circus crew was going to stick around a few extra days. The times posted on the flyers were for the show only. But, nobody seemed to bat an eye or question this, as it was of no concern to any of the residents of the Newer Home.

Business was a bit more calm today in Chica's café, Gold had noticed. He'd decided to stop in for a cup of tea while it was relatively quiet. It was just himself, Carl, Chica and one other customer in the small business for the moment, and the golden bear wasn't about to complain about the quiet. Although, said quiet was briefly interrupted when a human with a bit of a tyrannical demeanor came practically waltzing in. He had a flyer in hand.

The man walked up to the counter, looking around for someone to talk to. All he saw however, was Carl. "Cupcake?" Carl asked, as the man gave him a small sneer. "Heh. Cute." He mumbled, before turning around. That's where he spotted the bulletin board by the door. "There we go." He said to himself, before beginning to go over to the board. He caught a glance towards Gold, something curious in his look. Gold looked back at him, a gaze seeming to challenge the human's sudden staring. The man continued to go put the flyer up.

Then, he left.

Gold looked over his shoulder to see what the human had put on the board to advertise. It was another Cirque Magique flyer. Only, this one didn't look like a show advertisement. This flyer in particular was for tryouts. Curious, Gold thought to himself, before adjusting his glasses and returning to his tea and paper.


The circus crew was still in town. They were supposed to be gone by now, but their incompetent talent scouts seemed unable to get anyone. They'd reported back to the ringmaster that they had spotted a few good looking additions to their show, but none of them wanted to step up and try out. The great Charles White wasn't wanting to hear about how his scouts, Sami Martinez and Jack Woods, had merely seen good auditionees. He wanted to hear if people were wanting to tryout!

He would have to use his other plan, as he was also hoping to also score some monsters into joining the circus anyways.

"Kimmy?!" Charles called out, as he had already been speaking with Jack and Sam. "...What?!" A woman practically screamed in return. "I need you over here, that's what, lovely!" Charles called back, adding Kimmy's pet name to the end of his response to try and keep her happy. The two scouts both exchanged confused glances towards one another. "You'll see." White simply said with an extremely knowing look, as the three waited for Kimmy to come to them.


"Well, thanks anyways." Chica hung up, after Toy explained her response over the phone. "Well?" Freddy asked, seeing the worry begin to grow on his wife's face. "Claire* hasn't seen him." She answered, as she tried hard to think. Chica slowly began to shake her head.

"I don't know!" She suddenly exclaimed. "I don't know where Carl is, and now I'm really starting to get worried!" Freddy put his hands on her shoulders in a grounding manner, and with some comfort to the gesture. "Hey, don't worry. He'll probably be back home in five minutes from now!" He tried to assure her. The worry was still on her features. "I'm not sure... Something's telling me he's not ok, Freddy..." The bear tried not to sigh--he hated seeing Chica worried like this, as rarely as she was-- and attempted to think of a way to reassure her.

"What if we went looking for him? Starting from here?" Chica thought for a moment, before accepting the suggestion.


Carrying one of his quadruplet daughters against his chest, Puppet was walking to the bus stop down the block from the clinic. Even though Mina had seemed to have gotten over her cold, he didn't want the cool weather to effect her a second time. So, that was why he had his light jacket wrapped around her tiny shoulders, and her small body huddled against his warm chest.

As the two arrived to the stop, Mina's face emerged from the jacket. "Daddy?" She asked, while they waited for the bus to arrive. "Yes?" Her father answered, indicating he was listening. "Can we go to the pwayground pwease?" Puppet gave his third 'youngest' a sympathetic smile, before slowly shaking his head no. "But why?" Mina asked, sadness in her tone--even if it was a bit exaggerated.

Crouching down, Puppet put Mina on her feet--mindful to not let his coat fall off her shoulders. "Because you're not quite better yet, Sweetie." Mina began to pout a little in disappointment. "Look, once you're all better, I'll take you and your sisters to the playground, and then maybe get a treat afterwards. How does that sound?" Mina considered the counter offer, before her pout suddenly vanished. "Ok."

"Good-" Before he could finish his sentence, Mina's father suddenly froze for a minute. As the white dots of his eyes suddenly dilated, he began to fall limp onto the ground from his previous crouching position. Mina let out a small gasp. "D-Daddy?" Before she could see if her father was alright, the 'Minireena' suddenly saw two people dressed in black come up to them. One went to grab Puppet, as the other grabbed Mina before she could let out a scream of help.


*Anyone confused, Claire the Cupcake is Toy C's 'cupcake companion', and Carl the Cupcake is Chica's.

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