Bonus Chapter-Pippin's Adventure

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A.N. Ok, so, I had posted a chapter saying that if this story hits 100 reads, (on Quotev), I'd make a bonus chapter. Fast forward 5 minutes, and we're now at 100 reads. (That's what I get for updating this work at 98 reads lol). Thanks peeps! Enjoy this bonus chapter!


A reach for the leash she'd loosely tied up nearby sent Vi into a panic. The rhino-monster's eyes widened, as she realized that Pippin, the golden doodle she'd been left to train, was nowhere to be seen. She frantically looked all around the surrounding park she'd brought him to. Vi had only taken her eyes off the energetic dog for a minute, and now he'd run off! Hadn't she already broken him of such a bad habit?

She'd have to come back to that thought later, as trying to figure out why Pippin had wondered off would do no good. She'd have to try and find him before he ended up lost or hurt. Grabbing onto her modest knapsack, Vi took off--calling out the dog's name as she walked.


There were so many smells, and sounds, and lots and lots of monster people! The friendly dog was always excited to meet a new monster, as he'd only known humans since he was a puppy, and humans weren't always nice. Monsters seemed to coo at the sight of him, and would say to him what he already knew. Of course, he was a good boy. Pippin knew that, he knew he was the bestest dog in town!

While walking along the paths of Newer Home's park, a curious scent caught the golden doodle's attention. The aroma seemed to dance around his wet, black nose. Pippin's head turned towards the smell, and caught site of a weird looking table. It had round things near the bottom, and a long, wonky-shaped stick poking out the top with a tiny 'roof' on top of it. The monster standing there was able to reach inside--where the smell was coming from.

Trotting up to the monster now holding the delicious looking food, Pippin plopped his rear down and looked up at the monster with his goofy dog grin. As the monster put even more yummy things on the already delicious smelling food, he gave the dog an unamused side-glance. He paused, before saying, "Beat it, dog!" Pippin's head tilted in confusion. Why wasn't the monster giving him the food? He wasn't begging, which he was taught to be a bad thing to do. He'd usually get food if he sat still and waited!

"Shoo! Scram!" Pippin' let out a small whimper, not sure why the monster looked mad at him. "i'll pay for the extra hot dog." The other monster, who Pippin only now noticed, said. He gave the dog a curious, although friendly grin, as the monster working the stand sighed. "Fine." He relented, pulling out another hotdog. He dropped it down for Pippin to eat, who gobbled it up rather quickly.

"well, you were hungry, weren't you pup?" The short skeleton monster commented, as he too received his own hot dog. "wonder where you came from?" Pippin simply gave a happy bark in return, before trotting off again. There were still other smells and other things he had yet to explore!

As Pippin ran off again, a familiar voice called out, "...Wait! Pippin stop!" But Pippin was already long gone, off to explore something else. Bonnie simply stood still, trying to have a double take at the four-legged animal disappearing down the park's path. No, that was definitely Pippin. But, what on earth was that therapy-dog-in-training doing in the park, by himself??


The path was beginning to get crowded with even more monsters, and the loud moving objects between both pathways were passing by really fast. The odd one would let out a honking noise as it passed by on the bigger pathway. Pippin somehow sensed that maybe going on the big path wouldn't be such a good idea, so he stayed where all the monsters were walking.

Another curious smell caught hold of the dog's attention. This time, it was coming from a darker pathway surrounded by walls. Pippin's trot turned towards the new smell. Turning a corner, he caught sight of a different 'monster' dumping out a small plastic bucket. That's where the smell was coming from. Pippin ran up towards her. He got onto his hind legs and grabbed onto the discarded apple-fritter before the monster could do anything. With that, Pippin was off again--but not before he heard the voices behind him call out with, "Cupcake!!"

"Pippin?!" Chica cried in surprise, when a familiar looking dog had come running by, only to snag some discarded food from the compost. "What in the world..." She muttered to herself, before asking Carl, who looked just as confused as she was from where he was perched on her shoulder, "Are you sure that was him??"

"Yes!" Carl confirmed. "Well, he's gone now..."


It had been a long day of exploring and eating for Pippin. Who knew there were so many things to smell and eat? Now that he'd wandered his way back to the park, he prompted to take a nap--while listening to the sounds of monster children playing nearby. Letting out a tired huff, Pippin's brown eyes fell shut as he laid his head a top his front paws.

Not long after, Pippin was awoken by a familiar little voice. "...Pippin?" Opening his eyes, he looked up to see one of his friends from the big tent. He lifted his head up to look at her. She was crouched down in front of the dog, giving him a curious look. Despite her curiosity, she looked very happy to see the dog. Pippin gave her his goofy dog smile at seeing her happy. He only ever remembered seeing her look sad while another, taller one of his friends would cuddle her at night.

"Pippin!" Mina then exclaimed, as three other girls came up--all looking identical to Mina. "Daddy, look!" One of the Mina-Duplicates called out, looking over her shoulder. All the while, Mina and the other two were giving the dog some much welcomed scratches and pets. "What'd you girls find?" Another familiar voice asked, as he approached the four. His eyes widened a bit as Pippin gave him a happy and excited bark 'hello'. The golden doodle stood up and went to lick at the fifth, and taller person's hand.

"Pippin?" He wondered, crouching down on a knee to get a look at the dog's collar. As he did, Mina wrapped her little arms around Pippin's neck and said, "This is the doggy we was tellin' you guys about!" The other Mina look-a-like's all gave her and the dog intrigued looks, as they all continued to pet the dog.

"Looks like I'll have to give his trainer a call." Puppet said, making a reach for his cellphone. "But, why?" Mina wondered, with a ghost of a pout. "She's probably wondering where Pippin is, so I need to tell her so she doesn't get too worried." Her father explained, as he dialed the number that was on Pippin's new tag. "Oh." Was all Mina said, although, she sounded a little disappointed.

"But don't worry," Puppet began again, as he called the number. "I'm sure we'll be able to see Pippin' when you'd all like to. His trainer said anyone can visit him." Mina's expression lifted again, as her sisters all smiled excitedly. "Really?" Her father nodded, as the call went through. "Hi, is this Vi?... Yeah, we found Pippin."


This was fun, hoped you liked it! Also, yes, I have experience with Golden Doodles, which is why I used that breed specifically for this story. They're great dogs once trained! Might add artwork of the final scene later if I feel like drawing it. Dunno. 

Oh, and also, I'm working on a PuppetxBallora mini-fic that takes place after "Bridges in the Distance" that will be posted on 'Between the Moments' soon. Keep an eye out!

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