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i. 'Slall/Slalled' means a Circus had been torn down, or shut down by authorities.


"Mama..." Lucette whispered, trying to wake her mother. Ballora looked over to one of her quadruplets, as she hadn't yet fallen asleep after Tina came in. "Are Daddy and Mina back yet?" Ballora put a hand on Lucette's cheek, before quietly answering with, "Not yet. I'll wake you girls the minute they are. Now, go back to bed." Lucette let out a small disappointed sigh, before leaving the bedroom.

Not fifteen minutes later, did Rosette do the same as Tina and Lucette before her. Ballora eventually gave up when Lucette and Tina returned before Reena could go back to bed. She ended up letting the three climb in bed with her. As long as it meant they'd get some sleep, even though their excitement made that hard.

Just before Ballora had gotten the girls tucked in for the night, she got a call from the Royal Guard. Her, and several other anthros in Newer Home did. The missing six had been found, and were being brought home. Ballora wouldn't be surprised if nobody could sleep that night.


"Sorry for calling you over so early-" Undyne's apology was interrupted by Chica. "Don't be!" She answered, before then asking, "Where are they? Are they okay? Can we see them?" Freddy put a hand on Chica's shoulder, stopping the multiple questions. "Let her talk!"

"Heh... sorry." She then apologized, before earning an amused grin from the Guard Captain. "It's fine." Undyne assured her.

"Now, when we brought everyone home, they were all taken to the hospital to be looked at." Undyne started. She looked to Freddy. "That's where your brother is right now." She told him. He gave an understanding nod. "But, before you two leave, one of them you won't find at the hospital." Undyne suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Chica asked, unsure if she should be concerned or not. Undyne turned to look over her shoulder, just as Faun came towards them. She had someone perched on her shoulder. Chica's violet eyes widened immediately. "Carl!" She exclaimed, going up to Faun. "Cupcake!!" Carl exclaimed in returned, as Chica took a hold of him and brought him towards her for a hug. "I missed you so much!"

"We had him looked over at the station's infirmary just to be safe. He looks to be alright." Undyne explained, as her and Freddy watched tears of joy fall from Chica's eyes. "Thank you...!" She thanked, sounding overjoyed to be reunited with her cupcake companion. "It's no problem."

As Chica rejoined at her husband's side, she heard him ask, "What's the story on the humans that took them?" Undyne slowly shook her head 'no', with an apologetic look. "I can't disclose that at the moment, sorry." She explained. "I get it. It's fine."


Charles couldn't believe it. His show, his wonderful circus that was going to re-define magic as the showbiz world knew, had been slalled. He threw his top hat to the ground with a frustrated growl. He should've listened to Kimmy when she told him performing at a big city was still too early and risky! She didn't always seem to be strong in character, but she did have quite the intuition. Had he listened to her, his right hand woman, he wouldn't be standing in the middle of a void circus ring!

The equipment was all packed away, along with the benches and seating for 'the house'. All that was left was an empty tent, and confiscated trucks and trailers. He'd slipped out of sight the moment the Leenorth City PD made their way for the show. He'd made sure Sami and Jack had gotten their 'secret members' locked away before he did however.

But, this was the end of it, wasn't this? It'd only be a matter of time before a patrol car returned to the tent, looking for the Ringmaster of the whole operation.

White kicked at his hat, hands dug deep into his bright red tailcoat--he hadn't bothered to change out of costume since last night. Once they bring him in for questioning, they will have probably found the records of the last time Cirque Magique got in trouble with authorities. It wasn't as bad that time, as it will be this time around.

Sitting on the wooden lining edge of the ring, 'The Great' Charles White simply stayed and awaited the inevitable.

Without Warning (FNAF/UT)[Freedom AU Book Five]Where stories live. Discover now