Sights of the Circus

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i. 'The House' is what the audience watching the circus is called. Also, 'Joeys' are the clowns.


"Here you are." Chica said, handing Papyrus the monster-unique coffee he'd ordered. Despite everything that had been happening, Chica had managed to bring herself to still keeping the café open. Although, all the patrons who came in could tell she wasn't herself, and it was understandable.

  "Is there any news yet?" Chica asked, as she watched the skeleton monster take a modest sip at his beverage. Papyrus sighed and shook his head in answer. "Unfortunately no. I apologize." Chica's gaze fell to the countertop as she let out a disappointed sigh. There was a bit of an awkward silence afterwards.

  "The coffee is wonderful, thank you." Papyrus then complimented, trying to cheer Chica up. "You're welcome." Was all she said, before disappearing into the kitchen behind the counter.


Ella was rocking herself back and forth from where she was sitting on the crate. The other clowns in the 'Joey Tent'--who were actually getting paid to be there--were de-costuming from the night's performance, all while chatting back and forth. Seeing as she didn't have any different clothes to wear, Ella simply stayed in her costume. Although, the other 'Joeys' let her wipe off her makeup for the rest of the night, since it'd need to be done again for the next show.

  Ella was trying to exhaust the remaining energy she had left, or else there'd be no way she could sleep later on. Kimmy had pointed out during the first show, that during her tightrope act, she was a bit too sluggish and cautious while performing. So, the choreographer had asked Jeremy, the team's medic, if he'd be able to use some kind of a stimulant* on Ella. According to the humans, that seemed to do the trick, although now, Ella still had the worse case of the jitters she'd ever experienced.

  "... Ella?"

  "... -ou okay?"


  Her attention immediately came back to reality. Bonnie was trying to get her attention, that she hadn't realize had stopped for a minute---wait, maybe more like an hour. "What?"

  "Are you okay?" The bunny asked, as he watched her take a huge breath to calm herself. "Yeah... I'm fine. Just trying to... um, calm down." Ella explained, finally beginning to feel exhausted enough to sleep. "Are you sure?" Puppet asked next, as Ella slowly lowered herself onto the ground. She nodded, before finally falling asleep.


Freddy practically ran into the Guards' Station, after getting a phone call not ten minutes ago. Sure enough, waiting at the reception was Undyne, and Lesser Dog. The Captain of the Guard looked to be speaking with Luciana at the reception while they waited. When the bear walked up, the 'Shyren' looking monster pointed Undyne to him.

  "Thank you for coming." The Captain thanked in advance. "What did you find?" Freddy eagerly asked, before he saw a small sympathetic look grow on Undyne's face. "I hate to tell you this, but it's not as big a find as you're probably thinking." She warned him, seeing the confusion in Freddy's sapphire blue eyes.

  Undyne looked to Lesser dog, who'd been holding a plastic evidence bag in his hands, concealing whatever was inside. The dog monster opened the bag, and took out a pair of familiar looking glasses. Then, his soft white-furred hand held the object out to the bear to take. "Are those familiar to you?"

  Taking a careful look at the glasses, Freddy nodded. "They're Gold's..." He confirmed. "Well, that's what we thought." Undyne started. "We looked them over for any fingerprints, and no longer need it as evidence." She explained, before adding, "You can hold onto those in the meantime, alright?" The bear gave a slow nod.

  "Where were these found?" Lesser Dog barked something, that Freddy failed to understand. Undyne, more or less, translated what he was trying to say. "Those were found a couple blocks down from your wife's cafe." She informed him. "Oh... I see..."


"... There is always a hope that something dangerous may happen." -Claude Debussy, about the Circus's audience

   The crowd at the new venue were all watching with anticipation as Ella stood on the 40 foot (12 meter) long tight rope, that was 45 feet (13 meters) off the hard ground, with Carl balancing on top of her head. All that was beneath them, was a net 5 feet (1.5 meters) off the ground--which had holes wide enough for Carl to fall straight through and to the ground.

  Ella could feel the nervous sweat on her brow with each careful step she took, using the brightly stripped balance pole accordingly. About halfway across the rope, Ella miss stepped, causing her to frantically try to rebalance herself. In doing so, he movements became quick and uncalculated. 'The house' audibly gasped at seeing her almost fall. Ella finally regained her balance, and was going to continue, when she realized she heard a familiar voice shouting.

  "CUPCAKE!" Carl exclaimed, as his tiny form quickly fell the 45 feet, down to the hard ground below.


*A stimulant, is basically a drug that's mainly used in extreme sport instances. It's used to make sure the person has extra energy.

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