Bridges in the Distance

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  "Did they call yet?" Freddy asked, as he returned to where Chica was still seated--Carl and Claire just beside her having a quiet conversation. "No." Chica simply answered, before then asking, "What'd you tell you parents?" Freddy sighed a little as he sat down next to Chica again. "I told them that after we see Gold, I'll go see them and give them every detail. They told me they're sorry for not being here, but Mom wasn't feeling 100% today."

"It's fine. Nobody likes being in a hospital, patient or visitor, anyways." Chica commented, thinking back to her own previous experiences with hospital visits. The last time she was there, was with her brother-in-law to visit her amnesiac husband. She quickly brushed the thought from her mind.

"Hello." Greeted the voice of Dr. Gaster. He'd approached the couple while they were exchanging a few words with each other. Freddy immediately stood up. "Is Gold okay?" Gaster faltered for a moment, as he looked from Freddy, to Chica, then back to Freddy. "I need to speak with you." He looked back to Chica. "You may come if you want, but I don't recommend too many visitors for the moment." Gaster explained to her.

As she stood up, Chica put a hand on Freddy's shoulder. "I can wait for you back at the café, if you want?" Freddy looked to Chica before looking at Dr. Gaster's expression. The doc seemed to have a look suggesting she do just that. "Okay." He simply told her, as Chica nodded. Freddy then watched as Chica brought Claire and Carl to her shoulders, and began her walk to the café--it wasn't that far.

Freddy then followed Gaster to a hallway. The doc lead him to a small, empty, off to the side break room not doubt for hospital staff. He gestured for them to sit on the single couch against one of the walls. Once seated, Freddy asked again. "How is he?"

"Your brother is healing from his injuries. They look to be from a form of physical abuse. Thankfully, it isn't anything too serious." Gaster began, as Freddy could already feel his heart nearly stop at hearing that. Physical abuse? That was horrible. "We also noticed his mobility appears to have been affected. Once we release him to go home, he may need to use a cane or something of that nature to help him walk." Dr. Gaster continued. Despite his open demeanor, Freddy didn't seem to think that was all of it. "What else?"

Gaster took a moment to gather his thoughts into words. "When we gave your brother an initial examination, it wasn't just the marks and mobility issues we saw." Gaster noticed something in the front pocket of Freddy's vest. He gestured to it with a hand. As Freddy took out Gold's glasses, Dr. Gaster continued. "His eyesight appears to have deteriorated considerably." Freddy looked to the glasses in his hands as he listened. "I'm unsure if your brother explained this to you, but those glasses weren't going to be a permanent solution to his lessening vision. It only delayed his vision from worsening."

"During their time gone, everyone was probably exposed lots of bright lights contrasting against the dark shadows of the audience." Gaster paused, to make sure Freddy was understanding him. "Having gone all this time without his glasses, and exposed to light like that, just made things worse."

"What are you saying?" Freddy asked, wishing that the doctor would stop beating around the bush. "What I'm saying is, your brother's eyesight has deteriorated so badly, that there's a limit in options available to help correct it." Freddy's grip slowly tightened around the now useless glasses. "What do you mean?"

"We're going to try and help your brother's vision as best we can." Gaster explained, before adding, "But, I need you to know this. Any treatment we do may not completely take care of the problem. If we can buy him some more time, then that'd be wonderful. But, in the end, I'm afraid your brother may ultimately go blind." Freddy's gaze fell to the floor. His brother was going blind, and he was only now finding out about this?

"How bad is his vision?" Freddy asked next. "Well, if we're able to correct his sight with a different prescription of lenses for his glasses, it won't guarantee his vision will be one hundred percent clear." Gaster quickly added, "But that's my own speculation based on the examination we were able to give him. I am, however, not a specialist in this area, so he'll need to consult with the optometrist at the clinic."

"... Okay." Freddy simply said.

"I can take you to see him, if you'd like?" Gaster offered, before seeing Freddy nod.


Freddy knocked on the doorframe, as he stood in the hospital room's threshold. It took him a moment to react, but Gold eventually looked towards the door. The younger bear was surprised to see the eyes staring back at him. Light blue, as opposed to the dark with white pinpricks his brother had kept them as for several years. Those light blue eyes were partially glazed looking, and also clearly unfocused. But, familiarity seemed to return to them, as Gold was able to recognize the brown blur standing just nearby.

"... Fredbear?" Freddy cautiously asked, as he slowly approached his brother. Gold gave a simple nod and a small smile, as his younger brother sat on his bed, and pulled him in for a hug. The older bear put his arms around him, as he then felt Freddy begin to quietly cry into his shoulder.

"...I was so scared... I'd never see you again..." Gold rubbed Freddy's back trying to reassure him, although it was almost in vain when he admitted, "... so was I..." The two sat like this for what felt like hours.

Freddy was ultimately the one to break the silence. "... Why didn't you tell me you were going blind?" Gold pulled out of the hug to look his brother in the eyes--as best he could. "At the time... they said it was slow happenin'... that I didn't need to be worried about it..." Freddy gave him an upset look. Judging by his brother's demeanor, Gold asked, "It's gettin' worse... isn't it?"

"Yeah... Dr. Gaster said they can still try and correct your vision..." Freddy started, tone sounding sad. "but it'll still get worse... until you eventually go blind." All Gold did in response was let out a small hum. "What are we supposed to do if you go blind, Gold?" Freddy began asking. "I mean, you won't be able to live your life normally anymore, and... and well-"

"Freddy, don't worry about it." Gold suddenly said, sounding much calmer than his brother. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." Freddy's sapphire eyes met Gold's unfocused light blue ones. "We haven't yet." His brother added. Freddy sighed, as he wiped another rogue tear from his eye. He leaned back against his brother. "... Okay."

"I'm just glad to be home again..." Gold then said, smiling ever so slightly.

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