Heed the Banners

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Thank you for reading this continuation of my 'Freedom AU'. This can be a stand alone, but if you need further context, please read the previous works of this AU. Also, Sans makes his entrance on chapter 6 for you UT fans. Enjoy!


"The circus arrives without warning." -Erin Morgenstern

"Huh, interestin'." Bonnie commented, having noticed the flyer on the wall along with the other paper flyers. He'd been waiting for Rou, the bakery's owner, to return with the baked goods he'd ordered. "What was that?" Rou asked, as she reappeared from the back with a brown, warm and sweet smelling paper bag. Placing it on the counter, she watched the purple bunny turn back around and face her. "That flyer. Said somethin' about a circus."

"Oh, yes! The circus is in town, well, sort of." She started, all while ringing up the order. "They're just outside of our town. But, I'm not sure how many monsters are going out to see it." Rou explained, before asking for the amount of the baked goods Bonnie was buying. "Is that so?" He wondered, all while paying the requested amount. "Yeah. Some say there's something about it, that they don't quite like." The usually chipper red bird monster's demeanor changed for a moment, before she suddenly became more animated again.

"Anyways, thank you for your business!" She cheerily thanked, giving Bonnie a smile. "You're welcome."

"Tell your sweetheart 'hi' for me!"

"I will, have a good day!"

Walking into the humble cafe, the Marionette took a moment to appreciate the warmth of the building. A late spring chill had just settled, and even though it wasn't expected to last for long, people in Newer Home were acting as if autumn had come prematurely. Puppet continued into the building, approaching the front desk.

For the moment, nobody was there--save for Carl the Cupcake. Chica had entrusted him with running the cash register as a way of helping out. Taking a brief look around, the Marionette noticed that it seemed to be busy, just judging by the crowd of people. He looked back to Carl. "Hello."

"I'm a Cupcake!" Carl greeted in return, while using his 'cupcake language'. "Oh! I'm coming!" The two then heard Chica call out, as she quickly came out of the modest kitchen. "So sorry!" She quickly apologized, all while whipping her batter-covered hands on her apron. "It's fine." Puppet assured her with a smile.

"Ok, what can I get you?" Chica then asked, all while re-composing herself. "Four of your strawberry muffins please." With a knowing grin, Chica nodded. She took out a small cardboard box for the muffins, and then retrieved them from the front display by the counter. "Oh, how's Mina doing?" Chica asked, in reference to one of the 'Minireenas'. "Much better. She's got an appointment at the clinic in a couple days, just to see how well she's been recovering." The Marionette answered, as Chica placed the small box on the counter. "Good. That's good." She replied.

Puppet placed a five dollar bill on the counter, and said, "Keep the change, and tell Freddy I said 'hello'." He told her, before Chica took the payment with a smile. "Of course. See ya!"

On his way out of the cafe, Puppet noticed one of the posted flyers near the exit. Printed on the flyer, in bold and bright letters, could be read, 'Magic RE-DEFINED!'. It was something about a circus that had already been 'in town' for a couple days now, and would be for a couple more. He hummed to himself, as he left.

Gold was walking along the path of Newer Home's park. Him and his brother had agreed to meet up at the park that afternoon. The trees were all mostly still in bloom, causing beautiful pinks and whites to be seen among the branches of the trees and bushes. It was very serene a sight to behold. The spring air itself could also be intoxicating at times.

As he navigated the paved paths of the park, the golden bear noticed a community board coming up on the path. Upon coming up next to it, he took a curious look at what community advertisements were posted. A few job listings for local businesses, and of simple jobs available as people were looking for help with their yards now that the snow was gone. One poster caught Gold's eye, however. 'Ciruqe Magique~ Magic RE-DEFINED!' A hum of mild interested barely escaped his lips, before something else caught his attention.

"Hi Goldie!" Ella called out, as she quickly jogged by--looking to be in a hurry. Before he had time to even answer, Gold then heard, "Bye Goldie!" As she took off past him. The bear simply smirked and shook his head, before taking off to find what bench his brother was waiting at.


A.N. Quick thing to note here, for those who haven't read my story, Finding Freedom. In this AU, Ella is Circus Baby's real name. She was named 'Baby' by Fazbear Entertainment, and then returned to using her real name after they were freed.

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