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   "I haven't gotten word from Dr. Gaster yet if they can have visitors." The kind monster at the hospital's reception explained. Ballora, Ennard and the 'Minireenas' had all come to the hospital after a rushed breakfast. They were all eager to know if they could see Puppet, Mina and/or Ella. Ennard was wanting to see Ella more than the others--as the two were obviously crazy about each other.

"Were they badly hurt?" Ballora then asked, as Ennard waited in the seating area with Lucette, Rosette and Tina. "I can't say how bad their conditions were, but I do know your husband and daughter were taken for surgery not long after arriving." The receptionist explained patiently. Ballora's heart nearly dropped. "... Surgery?"

"I'm afraid so. Look, ma'am, why don't you go have a seat? I'll call for you as soon as I learn anything." The monster offered. Ballora let out a small sigh, before giving her a small nod. She returned to join the others in the waiting room.


Her little dark eye snapped open. She felt as though she was laying on a ginormous cushion, and under a light blanket. Her arms and middle of her shoulders ached. They felt like something snug was wrapped around them. It was a little bit dark in the room, as the windows had the curtains drawn. Looking around, Mina couldn't see her daddy, let alone anyone else in the room.

"D-Daddy?" Mina quietly called out, bolting upright. No answers. Her breathing began to pick up, as she tried again. "D-Daddy!" Mina was beginning to panic, scared that the bad humans had taken her daddy away from her, for good this time. "Daddy! W-Whewe awe you?!" She cried out, louder than before.

Suddenly, two monsters dressed in white uniforms came running in. One almost looked like a cat, and the other a reptile. Mina didn't recognize either of them. "It's okay, sweetie!" The cat-like monster tried to assure her, as the other monster went to check on the screen by her bed that was beginning to beep louder.

"W-Whewe's my daddy?!" Mina asked loudly, beginning to become hysteric. Her little arms were flailing at the cat monster's hands, that were simply tried to urge her to lay back down. "I w-want my daddy!" She cried, as the monster tried to soothe her. "She's gonna aggravate her stitches." The reptile like monster told the cat-like one. "I know that..." She answered him.

"Listen, sweetie, you need to lay back down so you can get better-"

"No! I w-want my daddy!" Mina wasn't calming down. Too many things were happening. She was confused, and she was scared not knowing where her father was. When she'd finally begun to cry, another monster came in. "What's going on?"

"Dr. Gaster, it's nothing she's just..." The cat monster gestured to a hysteric Mina. "We can't get her to calm down, doc. Do we give her something?" The reptile monster wondered. Approaching the crying little girl's bed, Gaster took a look at her. Using the most gentle tone he could muster, he asked, "What's the matter? Are you hurting?"

Sniffling, Mina answered with, "... I-I want my d-daddy..." Gaster gave a slow nod, looking to the two nurses standing by. "We need another bed so we can move her to another room." The two other monsters gave their doctor a confused look. "Her father is awake, and is doing well. We're going to move her in with him so she can also recover."

"Are you sure?" The reptile monster wondered, sounding unsure himself. "I'm sure. Now, please go do that before this poor little one hurts herself."
"Yes doc."


Opening his eyes again, Puppet looked around his room. He wished someone would close the curtain, as the sunlight wasn't helping his dull headache. Then a thought crossed his mind. Slowly bringing up a bandaged arm, the palm of his hand began to glow a yellow tint of magic. The same tint began to glow from the edge of the curtain, but as the Marionette began to try moving the curtain, a small sharp pain shot through his palm.

Immediately ceasing the spell, he held his hand near his chest. It'd been so long since Puppet had last used his magic, and it looked like he'd have to ease back into using it. As he rubbed his non-aching hand slowly down his right bandaged arm, Puppet smiled a little at not feeling the hooks protruding from the top of his arms. It still ached from having them surgically removed, but better his arms ache for that, than from a circus performance.

Puppet's thoughts were quickly interrupted, when he heard a bed being wheeled towards his room--followed by a familiar whisper. That brought him to full attention, as two nurses brought in a moveable bed with Mina on it. "Daddy!" She exclaimed, looking impatient to get off the bed. "Mina!" He greeted in response, as the cat-like monster nurse carefully lifted Mina into her own arms.

Going over to the Marionette's bed, the nurse placed Mina's small form right by him. "Here you go, sweetie." She told her, as Mina was carefully adjusted against her father's side. Putting an arm around his daughter as she gingerly snuggled against him, Puppet looked up to the nurse curiously. "She was recovering fine from the surgery, until she woke up." The nurse began. "Well, when she couldn't find you, she started to get very stressed, and Dr. Gaster came by and told us to bring her to you so she could relax again."

Looking down to his daughter, Puppet could tell she was beginning to do just that. "Thank you." He simply answered, giving the monster a smile, which she returned.

Not long after she left, Mina began to fall asleep against her father. Just at the same time Ballora was shown into the room, along with Mina's three sisters. Slowly shaking her small shoulder, Puppet quietly spoke to Mina. "Look who's here." Her little dark eyes appeared again, looking up to her father, then noticing her three sisters sitting on the foot of the bed. Her eyes widened, as she excitedly looked around to see her mother standing beside them.

"Mama!" She exclaimed, as her father slowly adjusted her to be sitting up. "Hi!" Ballora answered, putting both hands on Mina's cheeks and kissing her forehead. Lucette, Rosette and Tina scooted closer. "We missed you!" Tina said, as their father held out an arm for a hug. "We missed you all so much...!" He told them, as the 'Minireenas' came up to hug their father and sister. Ballora also wrapped her arms carefully around her family, feeling as though she might cry from joy.

Without Warning (FNAF/UT)[Freedom AU Book Five]Where stories live. Discover now