Wagon Woes

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i. Circus trucks and trailers are still referred to as wagons.


Sophie paced back and forth just outside the Big Top's entrance. She had stepped out from the show for a minute, so she could call Undyne. Not long after the act with who she recognized as Gold and Bonnie, Ella came out to do a tightrope act, with something small and moving clung to her neck. She concluded it to be Carl the Cupcake.

"You've reached the Captain of Asgore's Royal Guard, how may I help you?" Undyne's voice suddenly sounded from the device. "Undyne! This is Sophie Grant, calling!"

"Oh, you! What's the problem, Ms. Grant?"

"I found them!" A confused silence was heard for a moment. "What do you mean? Who'd you find?" Undyne asked her. "Puppet, Mina, Gold, Bonnie, Ella and even Carl. I just saw them!" Sophie clarified. "You what?!" Undyne sounded truly shocked, as it had been over a month that the guard had been looking for them--even accepting help from the police division in Ebott.

"Are you sure?" Undyne questioned. Sophie quickly nodded--before remembering she was speaking into a phone. "Yes! I'm sure!" She confirmed.

"Where are you, and where did you see them?" Undyne asked, as she began to get everything in order to bring up a team of guards to get ready for a bust. "I'm just outside of Leenorth City." Sophie started, before she heard Undyne say, "Leenorth City? That's like, six hours from Ebbott... how in the world?"

"Two words for you. Traveling Circus."

"Circus? What circus??" Undyne then asked her. "Cirque Magique." Sophie told her. Undyne's eye widened with shock--although Sophie couldn't see. So, Sans's hunch was right... That circus had them, all of them!

"What do I do?" Sophie took a turn at asking a question. "Don't do anything." The monster captain began. "I'm going to have Captain Wiess contact the police Captain in Leenorth in the meantime it takes us to get up there." Undyne explained, referring to Ebott's police captain. "Okay..."

"Do you have any idea how long that circus will be at the city for?" Sophie looked to a nearby banner. "Uh... until the end of the week." Sophie answered. "Great. Okay, I'm gonna let you go now. Thank you for this."

"Of course, like I wouldn't help out... It's just lucky I was here tonight."

"It sure was."

Hearing the call being hung up, Sophie placed her phone in her jean pocket. She looked back into the circus from the front entrance. Her parents probably wondered where she disappeared to. She was suddenly grateful that the show was almost over, as she couldn't bear having to sit through the rest of it knowing what she now knew.

Sophie decided, that she'd make up something for her absence. Her parents were having a ball seeing the show with their daughter, and her explaining what she saw would only ruin it. Oh well. At least the Trapeze was cool. Those are always cool--well, more so when the circus isn't holding your friends against their wills...


"Are you alright, Goldie?" Ella wondered, as Gold has been laying on his side unblinking ever since they were locked in here. Not long after the night's show, unlike being made to go to their small 'tent cage', the abductees were thrown into one of the trailers. They didn't know why, but the humans seemed to be in a hurry to do so. "...you look out of it."

Bonnie too looked down to Gold. The bear looked ready to just stop, as all of this was clearly starting to get to him mentally. And who could blame him? Over a month straight of abuse from the humans, with no end in sight. He probably could've handled it a lot better back in the days of the company, but not now.

"... How can you see... how I look?" Gold suddenly and slowly asked in return to Ella's question. "I mean.. there is some light pouring through the trailer's door, so..." She answered, sounding a bit puzzled by the question. "... it's pitch black..." Gold explained from his perspective. "...oh." Was all Ella said. She hadn't taken into consideration that Gold probably couldn't see the light that well. And anyways, it wasn't even that much pouring through.

"Wonder why we're in here?" Ella asked, trying to pass the time. "No... clue..." Puppet half mindedly answered, as he was too busy soothing Mina. "...i-it huwts..." Her little voice hitched. "I know, princess... I know..." Was all her father could say, as he was unable to do anything about the pain.

"...Oh wow." Ella suddenly said, having been poking her hand inside one of the carboard boxes of the trailer. "Hey, Mina, look what I found!" Mina looked up, to see her aunt holding what she could only assume was a cheap plush imitation of Pippin. The shadow of the object seemed to look like it. Ella held the plush toy out for her niece, who gingerly grabbed it. Then, Mina hugged it to her chest, and tried falling asleep in her father's arms.

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