Local Hero

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i. When Carl or Claire the cupcakes speak in italics, it means their speaking how Chica and Toy understand them, as opposed to you reading their 'cupcake language'.


"Claire!" Chica heard Carl excitedly exclaim from her shoulder. Toy and Bonbell were sitting just next to herself and Freddy, and obviously, Toy had Claire with her. "Carl! I missed you! Are you okay?" Carl gave her an affirming nod, as he watched the other cupcake jump down from Toy's shoulder, and onto the chair's armrest.

As he saw Claire look up at him expectantly, Carl also saw the height of which he now found himself. He had been too busy looking around to even look down when Chica was walking, but it seemed even the height of her shoulder to her elbow was frightening. Memories flashed before his mind's eye.


"CARL!" Ella cried, as she watched the cupcake fall helplessly to his own doom. "CUPCAKE!" He shrieked loudly, as Ella became smaller and smaller. "I got you, buddy...!" Bonnie suddenly said, as darkness took over Carl's vision. That was due to his eyes being screwed shut, and Bonnie's hands covering his eyes.


"Are you okay, Carl?" Toy quietly asked, looking over to him. Chica also looked to her shoulder. "You're shaking..." She noticed. "I-I'm o-okay..." Carl tried to answer with a non shaky tone, but it seemed to shake all on its own. "Are you sure?" Claire asked him, looking a little worried.

In trying to prove he was okay, Carl closed his eyes and leaped off Chica's shoulder without thinking. As he slowly opened his eyes, he saw he'd safely landed on the armrest next to Claire--who was giving him a small smile. "S-See? 'Okay!" Carl assured them. "If you say so..." Toy responded, exchanging a look with Chica.

Then, a nurse suddenly called for Toy and Bonbell, no doubt to bring them to see Bonnie. Claire, however, stayed behind with Carl, as she'd missed her friendly dearly in the entire time he was gone.


"I'm so glad you're okay!" Toy exclaimed, all while giving her husband an ironclad hug. Giving her a small laugh, Bonnie kissed his love on the cheek--as it was all he could do from being hug so tightly. Toy suddenly loosened her grip, and kissed him back. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too!" Toy answered, smile brighter than the sun shinning in through the window.

"When'd the doc say I could go home?" Bonnie then asked. "Oh, I think by tomorrow. They just want to make sure you're doing okay." Toy answered, as she finally took a good look at the bunny's condition. She noticed a few bandage wraps on one of his arms. "What happened there?" She innocently wondered, vaguely gesturing to the injury.

"O-Oh... um, that was from the Ringmaster..." Bonnie began, not wanting to go into specifics. "Those humans... they hurt you?" Toy then asked, seeing her husband nod in response. "It was mostly me and Gold who got the worst of it... Sometimes, Gold would take some of what I was supposed to get."

"... Can I ask how they did it?" Bonnie's fuchsia eyes slowly met Toy's turquoise ones. "He um..." He slowly started, as Toy was patiently quiet. "...used a whip." Toy was stunned into further silence. All she could do was muster up a sympathetic look in response.

"One time, he 'punished' me," Bonnie started again, using air quotes on 'punish'. "because I ran out into the ring during another segment." Toy found her voice again to ask, "Why'd you do that?" He continued. "Ella was doing a tightrope act, and the act required her to balance Carl on top of her head." That sounded suspicious to Toy already, remembering how Carl was acting earlier. "She slipped up, and Carl fell. Well, the safety net wasn't made for anyone Carl's size, so he would've fallen right through--a fourty foot drop onto the ground."

"And, you ran out to catch him?" Bonnie nodded. "... So that's why..." Toy quietly said to herself. "Why 'what'?" Looking back to Bonnie, she elaborated. "Earlier in the waiting area, I was sitting next to Chica and Carl. Claire jumped down to the arm rest to say hi to Carl, and he seemed hesitant to jump off Chica's shoulder."

"Guess he's still kinda traumatized." Bonnie speculated, as Toy nodded. "I'm glad you were able to catch him." After a thought, she lightly added, "It kind of makes you a hero!" Bonnie quickly brushed her off, as she laughed a little. "Oh!"

"What?" Bonnie had suddenly remembered something. "If you end up speaking with the Royal Guard before you go back home, I need you to ask something for me." Bonnie answered. "Ask what?"

"Ask them what's going to happen to Pippin. He was the circus dog who was already there when we arrived." Toy had a puzzled look on her face. "He was the sweetest dog I've ever met. He'd stay with us every night and keep us company, we all loved him." Toy smiled, before then saying, "I'll be sure to ask them."

"Thanks." Bonnie responded, before pulling Toy in for another kiss.

Without Warning (FNAF/UT)[Freedom AU Book Five]Where stories live. Discover now