Flying Tightrope

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i. Chapter title is a riff off of 'Flying Trapeze'


Gold and Bonnie had been standing off watching Ella's act, with Pippin sitting next to them. Their act was next, and so they decided to watch the ginger's tightrope act. Bonnie felt nervous watching Ella trying to carefully walk across the rope while also balancing Carl on her head. He could also notice the equally nervous look on Ella's face, and knew said same look was probably on the cupcake's also.

Bonnie was momentarily distracted, when Pippin suddenly licked his hand--as he'd picked up on the purple bunny's nerves. Bonnie gave the golden doodle a scratch on the head around Pippin's circus hat, before continuing to watch the performance.

"Oh no...!" Gold silently exclaimed, at the same time 'the house' audibly gasped. Bonnie immediately noticed Carl lose his balance on Ella's head--as she regained her own balance--falling to the ground. Without thinking, Bonnie darted from 'the backyard', and out into 'the ring' to try and catch Carl.

Bonnie found himself needing to practically belly slide onto the ground to get in place to catch the falling cupcake companion--as his tall ears would probably get stuck in the safety net. Quickly reaching out his hands, Bonnie caught Carl after he'd slipped through the net. Bonnie then pulled him up closer to his chest, to make sure Carl was okay. The cupcake's fearful trembling felt as if it were making Bonnie's own hands shake--or maybe they already were?

Bonnie opened his hands, and saw that Carl had his golden eyes screwed shut, and was practically hyperventilating. Bonnie held him closer to try and assure him he was okay. "You're alright, little buddy..." He quietly said. "I gotcha..."

"C-C-Cupc-cake...?" Carl's shaky tone asked, as he finally peeked to see if he was actually safe. "Yeah, I have ya..." Bonnie practically whispered to the cupcake, as he could feel his own heart racing.


Pippin had joined the group again that night. He was cuddled up by Bonnie, while also keep Carl safely tucked by his neck so he could sleep. Both Bonnie and Ella could still feel the adrenaline from earlier. Ella still felt petrified from how easily Carl had fallen, even though everyone tried assuring her the act was dangerous, and that they were being forced to do it.

Bonnie, on the other hand, couldn't help but think what would've happened had he not acted as fast as he did. Had he acted too slow, Carl probably wouldn't be with them right now. If everyone else would be found and brought home, they would have to tell Chica what happened to Carl. Trying to imagine what her reaction would be brought some grief to the bunny. Now, Chica was like a sister to him, so Bonnie wouldn't be able to bear it seeing how she'd react to hearing that Carl was dead.

Due to his quick response to Carl's fall, Bonnie got a few extra lashes from the Ringmaster afterwards as punishment for practically interrupting the segment--although, the bunny could've sworn Gold got in the way of a few of them

Pippin suddenly let out a low sounding bark in the bunny's direction. Bonnie gave the dog another pat in response. "Are you alright?" Gold then asked, looking to Bonnie. That seemed to be the group's new theme question. "I-I'll be fine... when the nerves wear off..."

"Hey, it's okay. Carl is safe and sound, you saved him." Gold tried to reassure him. "Carl won't be 'safe and sound' unless he's with Chica again... none of us will be unless we're home..." Bonnie countered. All Gold could do in response was sigh. Bonnie was right. They weren't safe. They were being made to do dangerous stunts, and being abused by the human cast and crew. It was starting to seriously effect the six of them.


"Cupcake." Claire the Cupcake thanked, trying to sound pippy and cheery, as the customer tipped and left. Claire had offered to help Chica out, in place of Carl. Just until they were all back home safe and sound. Toy had brought Claire with her when she came in for her shift at the café, but soon, Chica sent Toy home, as she was obviously having an understandably bad day. And so, for now, it was just Claire and Chica running things as smoothly as they could.

Meanwhile, instead of going home, Toy had made her way to one of her brothers' apartment. Knocking on the door, she waited a minute for an answer. "Hello, Toy." Fredrick kindly greeted, before noticing the dull look in his sister's turquois eyes. It almost looked as though she was about to break down entirely. Putting a hand on her shoulder, Fred brought her inside. He closed the door behind her, and then wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She obviously needed some company, instead of being home alone, without Bonnie.

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