Where to Start

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  "Alright, listen up, all of you!" The Captain of the Royal Guard's voice practically bellowed throughout the conference room. Anyone who wasn't paying attention before, was immediately pulled from their thoughts and towards what their Captain was about to say. Dramatically dropping the new case file onto the large oval table, Undyne looked to every guard in the room. Opening the file to reveal a couple photographs among the papers, she spoke up again.

"Six anthros have gone missing from our town." The Captain started. "As of right now, we have no witnesses to any of the disappearances, only multiple different last known locations." She explained to them. "I'm assigning you all to this case, since this isn't going to be easy." Stating the obvious, Undyne looked over the barebones of the case file so far.

"Dogamy and Dogaressa." The two lovers each gave indicative looks towards their captain. "I have a list of who all needs to give their witness reports on the missing peoples' last known locations and activities. You two are in charge of conducting those interviews, and filing the reports." The two nodded, and as if in sync answered, "Yes Captain!"

"Papyrus, pass this down please." Undyne requested, handing the list to the skeleton monster. With a hearty nod, Papyrus passed the list down to the two.

"Lesser Dog, I need you to check the residents of each missing person." Undyne instructed next, looking to the shorter dog monster. Giving a hearty bark in response, the guard saw Undyne turn her attention to Greater Dog. "I want you to scout out the surrounding forests, and fields to see if any of them got lost out there." Looking to Doggo, the Captain then added, "Doggo, you go with him."

"You got it Captain!"

"Papyr-" Undyne was cut off when a swift flash of blue magic appeared in one of the empty seats, following it, Sans. "sorry 'm late, undyne." The shorter skeleton monster apologized, as he casually leaned back in his chair--shoving his grey-gloved hands in his blue coat pockets. "What took you so long?" Undyne almost yelled. Sans looked to Undyne curiously, before then asking, "oh, y'know, stuff."

"You're not even an official member of the guard, and I'm not even asking that much of you, Sans!"

"you sure?"

"ANYWAYS." Undyne looked to Papyrus again. "Paps, I need you to go door-to-door near where each person lives, and ask their neighbors if they've seen anything." She instruced. "Yes ma'am!" Papyrus answered, with a respectful salute.

"Um, Captain...?" Faun spoke up from where she was sitting. "Why am I here?" She asked somewhat confusedly. "I'm going to give you the info you need for this, but you're in charge of missing person posters, media posts, and any other way you can raise awareness." Undyne explained, before adding, "But you wait until I say when, before to post anything."

"Oh, okay then."

"Sans?" The skeleton opened his eyes again and looked to Undyne. "You're with Lesser Dog, but I also need you to pay extra close attention to everything and anything." She instructed him. "Got it?" Sans gave a half-effort salute in answer. "Good. Any questions?"

The room fell silent for a moment, indicating the lack of questions. "Okay then. Everyone, get on this!" And with that, everyone got up to get started on their new assignments. All, except for Sans. Once the room was empty, the skeleton spoke up.

"so, why'd you really bring me on for this?" He curiously asked, while still leaning his head against his arm on the back of the chair. "Because, you seem to notice the odd thing out when you aren't being lazy." Undyne started, lowering her tone a bit. "You're smarter than you make people think, and I'm gonna need someone like you helping with this. Especially since, with what some humans have against the anthros, it'll leave room for all kinds of speculation."

Sans gave Undyne a considering look. There was a long pause before he spoke up again. "a'right. i get what you mean." He started, all while straightening his slouched position on his seat. "Guess I should catch up with Lesser then." With that, Sans teleported out of the room--small blue glowing particles disappearing from his seat.

Without Warning (FNAF/UT)[Freedom AU Book Five]Where stories live. Discover now