30, Flashbacks From Hell

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Today was hard.

I got forced to get out of bed and shower. But at least I had Coraline to help me. I had no choice, someone had to help me. Somehow I think she could tell I needed help.

I was about to throw a fit and yell at her to leave me alone, but I know I had to get out of bed at some point.

I promised no more pushing her away either.

Although the whole few minutes of showering was a blur, I still managed to catch every little detail of her face and her expressions.

My favourite thing is the her little eye brow raise when she's thinking or is shocked by something.

Ive always noticed it.

Dinner was nice. What I could eat of it anyways. Half a meal is better than none in the end I guess.

Ive been trying to fall back asleep since dinner, but I just can't.

I haven't been left alone.

"Oh, what about Sweden, have you been to Sweden?" She smiles, sorting out my clothing from the wardrobe.

I love Coraline and everything, but dear lord she's been in here for hours. All I want is sleep.

Don't lie, you love the company. And you love having her back.

Two things I won't admit to her.

"Yes, I've been to Sweden. And before you ask, no I can't speak Swedish" I half laugh, throwing my head back down against the pillow.

All I need is sleep.

My body's still weak.

Coraline turns from the wardrobe to smile, hanging up the last suit top.

At least I don't have to do my own laundry while she's here.

She trots over to sit next to me on the bed.

"Do you want me to let you rest now?"



Kind of.

Don't leave.

"I'm just exhausted. Hey, tomorrow I'll maybe venture downstairs, who knows" I tiredly smile up at her.

In return, I'm met with a smile and a roll of the eyes.

"I'll look forward to it. I just wanted to keep you up for a bit to not sleep the whole day away"

That's cute. She cares.

I almost pull her down to kiss me, but my mind laps back to everything that's happened the past month.

Its almost like my mind shut off everything that happened from the day before she left until now.

Uh oh.

Not this again. 

The memory lapse?

Ive had this before. Only a few days or a week missing though- not a month.

But it was only a few seconds that I forgot?

Possibly it's just that having Coraline back brings back all the memories.

"I guess tomorrow's an important day, kind of. So I would like for you to at least try to get up" she smiles, standing from the bed.

Important? Is there something to do with her music?

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