40, Silence is Louder Than Sound

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My brain hasn't stopped ringing since the deafening alarm going off at 1am this morning.

Make it stop.

Also, the voices have had a nice time over the last 8 hours seeing as I couldn't take my medication yesterday or yet today.

I really need to take them. If I miss taking them for too long, I'll fall right back to how I was before.

"Mrs David, I appreciate your patience in waiting. Last time you were here, we tested your son Damiano for various different things. Unfortunately, there's a few that showed a significantly higher imbalance than normal."

I hear mothers voice break in her sigh. I've always known there's something wrong with me, I just never knew ma would sound so upset about it.

"Obsessive compulsive disorder is thankfully very mild meaning easily treatable if dealt with now. As you already know, he has strong signs of depression, is he still medicating?"

"Yes, he's been on meds for about six months. So he has ocd? Are you sure that's all?"

"Unfortunately not I'm afraid. He is also suffering with schizoaffective disorder and schizophrenia."

Ma gasps, as if it's her life that's just had a dramatic change. Well, in a way it did, but I just got diagnosed, not her. Not that this is a dramatic change for me, I just finally have a answer as to why I am the way I am.

The doctor turns to face me as ma has a mini midlife crisis whispering prayers as if it'll magically cure me.

"I know this may seem scary for you, Damiano. It will be some days, but that's why we're here to help you. No one expects you to know what any of this means right now, but I will give you information sheets about each thing to help you understand what's happening in your brain and how to help. I promise that one day you'll have a clear mind; free of any thoughts."

What that doctor said to me has always stuck in the back of my mind, holding onto the hope that he was right.

He was.

Only thanks to medication.

Only took a few years of refusal then 2 mishaps before I got to here.

"We're here, you ready?"

I turn my head to Coraline smiling, turning her keys to shut the engine off.

I've never been more pleased to arrive at a random destination before in my life. I can handle long trips, but no offence, Coraline's car isn't exactly the most comfortable.

If only I could drive.

Opening my door, I hear multiple snaps and cracks of my legs stretching.

The faint laughter and conversations heard in the driveway hints to me that there's already a few people here.

Grabbing my bags from the boot of the car, I turn around to a beautiful ocean view, the water so bright and blue. Nothings seen beyond the water, just clouds touching on the horizon.

"Beautiful isn't it? This was his favourite place"

A smile makes its way onto my lips and I turn to the house ready to enter.

The door opens before we get the chance to knock and Coraline's immediately greeted with a hug from an older lady.

"Oh love it's been to long since I last seen you"

"I know, I'm sorry I've been real busy. Not being at home makes it hard now"

"Yes I've heard your music dear! And you've moved to Italy! That's amazing dear" the lady smiles. Her head turns to me and I'm quickly embraced in a hug. "Hello love, I'm Noel's ma, Yolanda. Thank you for taking care of my girl here"

Yolanda takes a step back and I smile. "Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way". I catch a glimpse of Coraline smile before we're rushed inside.

A few people have already made it here, all talking amongst themselves.

One of the younger girls looks up for a second before squealing comes from both ends of the room.

"Coraline ich habe dich vermisst!"

Coraline gasps, dropping her bags and runs towards the girl.

"Maria, ich vermisse dich mehr"

Both girls hug and exchange words in German that I don't quite understand.

"Maria, this is Damiano. Maria is Noel's cousin" Coraline smiles. I take Maria's hand shaking it and she greets me 'hello' in German.

The rest of the day I was introduced to everyone and we all enjoyed a lovely dinner. Although I never got the chance to meet Noel, from everything I've heard tonight I feel like I've personally known him for years. I do wish I'd had the chance to meet him.

After dinner we all helped clean up and were shown to our rooms.

"I've missed being back" Coraline sighs, shutting the door to the ensuite.

This house Noel's family's holiday house. Noel and Coraline used to share this room growing up when they'd come here, hence Coraline's name in big letters carved into the bathroom door next to a a height chart.

"It's beautiful out here. Might need to come holiday here one day"

Pulling bedsheets from the closet, she laughs a little. "It's a shame that this part is residential only. Sassnitz is far west of here, similar view but there's a hotel"

"I'll keep that in mind" I smile as I toss my shirt onto the floor.

I crawl into the bed, Coraline following and we both lay on our backs.

The moonlight shining through the curtain is the only source of light in the room apart from a red glow of the bedside clock.

A few minutes staring at the roof, I notice very faded and ill-lighted moon and star roof stickers. A smile spreads on my face as I think back to the same stickers on my childhood roof.

"I wish I could show you around tomorrow, but we need to leave by 10am to get to the city"

I stay staring at the stickers. "Of course. Maybe you can show me Sassnitz one time"

A minute silence passes before she Coraline sighs and turns her head to face me.

"I found a place in Fiumicino. Two bedroom, up a private driveway surrounded by trees for privacy"

Why would she need a two bedroom house hidden away? And in Fiumicino? I thought she was looking for an apartment close to the city.

"So big and privated. You planning to change your name and go into hiding?" I laugh. Seems like a legitimate plot.

"I want you to move with me"

My head snaps to face her, completely confused.

"I don't forgive you for what's happened in the past, and I know you don't forgive me for running, but I'm willing to make us work"

She still loves us.

I don't know what to do or say apart from smile and resist the urge to hug the shit out of her.

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes t-" I'm cut off when her lips crash into mine, soothing my whole body.

"I never stopped loving you" she whispers before turning over.

I'm so sorry for a two month delay in update. College is a lot harder than I expected this year, but I'll try to keep it to one update a month at least.

We're halfway through the story! I've only got this planned for 80 chapters, but as of yet there's no plans for a second book.


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