Superman (Jarley/Ryley Fanfic)

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So this is a new story with Jarley. Slight Ryley storylines but majority Jarley.

I hope you guys enjoy this.

There will be a returning face from Glee plus three newbies from TGP2 plus ME (yes, I'll be arriving as just basic Ryley Bridges to be Ryder's second love interest after Marley).



~Marley's P.O.V~

It's Junior Year. This year is going to be great. Hopefully. I won't have all those dramas like last year and I'll have Jake by my side anyway. I love him but he just doesn't know that yet. He just knows I really, really, really, really, really like him which I do.

We're currently still reeling off our win at Nationals last year. Sure, Blaine, Tina, Artie, Sam and Brittany have gone but there's still Jake, Ryder, Kitty, Sugar, Joe, Wade and myself. That makes, just wait for me to count. One, two, three...There's seven of us! Hopefully both our Glee club coaches, Mr Schue and Finn can led us to a Nationals victory like last year...and get us more members. Wish us luck.

I go to my locker on the first day of Junior year. I take a photo of my bag and put it on my locker door. It's a photo of me and Jake at the beach with him kiss my cheek as he took the photo. I went him and his brother, Noah (Or Puck) to LA since Jake was telling me how cool it was when he went there around Christmas last year. We had fun but it only lasted a week.

I feel hands on my eyes.

"Guess who?" The person with their hands on my eyes asks.

"Zayn Malik?" I ask.

"No." The person says.

"Perrie Edwards?" I ask.

"No way. I'm not a chick." The person says.

"I know who! It's Superman." I say. The hands come off my eyes.

"I can be your Superman, baby." The person says. Their face pops up infront of mine and it's Jake. I kiss him and then we just hug.

"It's been a while since we talked last." I say.

"We talked last night on Facebook. Wait, are you going all Overly Attached Girlfriend on me?" Jake asks, joking slightly.

"I'm not obsessive." I say, in a joking tone.

"I know you aren't." He kisses me then grabs my hand. We walk down the hallway to our first class together.


At lunch time, we sit a table with the other New Directions members. They're gossiping obviously.

"What's up, guys?" Jake asks as we both sit down with our trays.

"We're just planning how we can get new members." Sugar says.

"We can get lots of members. We're so popular this year since we won Nationals last year." Kitty says.

"Two years in a row, baby!" Ryder cheers.

"Sugar and I were both in the New Directions for both victories. Wade was in Vocal Adrenaline that year." Joe says.

"That snooty Glee club at Carmel?" I ask.

"It's like torture over there, girl." Wade says.

"See anyone who could be a new vict - I mean member?" Ryder asks.

"So many people to choose from." I say as I scan the cafeteria.

"Maybe we'll need to talk to Finn and Mr Schue about auditions." Jake says.

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