Ready For Regionals

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A week before Regionals.

The Glee club sat in the choir room. Mr Schue and Finn were discussing ideas for Regionals, discussing who should get solos and what should actually be sung.

Ryder, Abraham and Charlie were discussing the latest trend of Harlem Shake while attempting to do the dance, Jake, Joe and Rory were talking about the band The Lonely Island, Marley, Ryley and Unique were talking about celebrity crushes (Shane Dawson, PewDiePie, One Direction, Zac Efron, Taylor Lautner etc, etc), Kitty and Sugar were discussing something random while Aylin and Nellie were talking about songs they should sing for Regionals.

Mr Schue turns to the Glee club.

"Ryley, you'll be getting the solo for our first song. Then I'm thinking we do some big group number but I don't know what to have as the second song," Mr Schue takes a pile of song sheets off the piano and passes them around the group, "This is the song for Ryley's solo."

Everyone looks at the sheet and likes the ideas for the songs. Kitty doesn't though.

"I don't think Ryley deserves the solo. I think I should." Kitty says with her infamous smirk.

"Looks like another diva off is going to happen." Aylin whispers to Unique, Sugar and Nellie.

"Diva off, tomorrow." Ryley says to Kitty.

"You're on, bitch." Kitty says.

"Hey, don't talk to her like that!" Ryder says, almost shouting and being protective of his girlfriend.

"I can speak to her anyway I want to, idiot." Kitty says.

Everyone gasps. Kitty just dropped the 'i' bomb on Ryder. The word that makes him feel really insecure about his dsylexia.

He storms out of the choir room, dropping the song sheet on the floor as he storms out.

"I hope your happy, Kitty." Ryley says, angrily. She then rushes out to find Ryder.

She finds him the same place he found her back in that week when they sung sad songs to help Ryley deal with the fact everyone found out about her past. This was the place she told him she had a boyfriend who stole her virginity to keep his player record intact.

"That was intense." Ryley says as she sits next to Ryder. He looks at her after he's done day dreaming.

"Yeah. True that." Ryder says.

"You know, you're not an idiot. You're just a guy who hides his true genius self behind some label of dsylexia. How does that sound cause I just thought of saying that?" Ryley says.

"Maybe you could help tutor me later." Ryder says with a smirk.

"I'd love to." Ryley says, remembering the make out session that come from there first study session. Also the other make out sessions that happen after their study sessions.

"I love you." Ryder says as he kisses her.

"Love you too." Ryley says inbetween their short and quick couple of kisses. Ryley stands up first and holds her hand out for him. He grabs it and stands up. Ryder puts his arm over Ryley's should, her fingers intertwining with the hand that's joined to Ryder's arm.

They walk down back to the choir room like this.


After school and Glee club, Ryley and Ryder are Ryley's house 'studying' and by studying, it means making out.

"We should probably study." Ryley says against Ryder's lips.

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