New York, New York (Part 2)

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The Glee club begin the dance moves to the first song. The stereo is blasting out the song. Rachel, Santana, Sam, Mercedes and Brittany are helping with the rehearsals.

"Lead dancers are Ryder, Ryley, Marley, Jake, Abraham and Kitty. Do us proud you six." Mr Schue says.

No pressure at all (sarcasm) but Ryley starts to hum that song Under Pressure which makes Marley giggle.

Brittany and Sam run through the lead dance with the six lead dancers. They seem to get it easy but Kitty is planning something evil. No one has any idea what she is planning.

Dance rehearsals carry on then they have to practice it while singing. It's difficult with some of the moves they have to do.

Once that is done, the New Directions just want to relax in their rooms for the night. They all just collapse on their beds.

In Ryley, Marley, Aylin and Sugar's room, the girls are eating peanut butter M&Ms, milk chocolate M&Ms, Reese's Peanut Butter cups and the chocolate they bought from the vending machine down the hall. They're now watching Jersey Shore repeats on MTV, lying on their beds and wearing their pajamas.

"Did anyone else see that Kitty had an evil smirk on her face the entire day?" Ryley asks.

"I bet she's planning something." Aylin says.

"I bet it's something evil." Sugar says.

"If it's Kitty planning something, it has to be evil." Marley says.

"I have a weird feeling it involves me." Ryley says.

"Don't worry," Marley says, "Kitty wouldn't do anything to risk us not winning."

"Maybe Coach Sylvester put her up to something. Coach has always never liked the Glee club." Aylin says.

"But Sue co-coached us to a Nationals victory two years ago." Sugar says.

"That's right; you were in the New Directions two years ago when they won Nationals for the first time. It was you, Joe and Rory who were in the club that year who are still in the Glee club, right?" Aylin asks.

"Right." Sugar says.

"Now shut up everyone! Jersey Shore is back on and this episode is one I haven't seen before!" Ryley says.

Ryley feels the impact of an M&M packet against the back of her head and realises Aylin threw an M&M packet at her head.

"Ow!" Ryley says.

"Your welcome." Aylin says with a smirk.

The four girls then go quiet to watch Jersey Shore.


A week passes quickly.

It's a week full of rehearsals, Rachel's diva/perfection moments and Santana threatening to go Lima Heights when someone messes up. Basically it was like Camp Rock rehearsals all over again but less songs.

Ryley was facing a mirror backstage. She was fixing up her dark blue dress with a black band around her waist. A black headband with a cute little blue bow on it rests in her hair.

Ryder walks up to her. He's wearing a black short sleeved shirt and pants with a tie and vest that is the same shade of blue as the girls dresses.

"Ready?" Ryder asks.

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