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I'd like to sort of apologise about the fact I'm making Ryder sound like a total dick/douchebag. That's just how the story is going to go but he will be nicer; I promise. And if he doesn't, I'll upload a pic of me on here so you guys can see the real me (and it's not gonna be pretty since I hate the way I look).

Enjoy this though!


It had been two weeks since the girls vs boys competition. 

Ryder was feeling different.

Sure, Marley was on his mind still but Ryley was up there more often. Maybe is was because when they kissed, it was just perfect and he could defienetely feel the spark. He hoped she did too. 

Marley and Ryley seem like BFFLs now since they're always hanging out and watching reruns of reality shows like Jersery Shore, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, The Amazing Race and Cupcake Wars. This meant Jake and Ryder hung out more. Yeah, they got into a little fight during the girls vs boys competition week but they're over it now. 

"I'm gonna smash you, dude." Ryder says, pressing buttons on his Xbox controller. 

"You'll never beat me in Black Ops." Jake says. also pressing the buttons on his Xbox controller. They were at Ryder's place and just hanging. 

"I always beat you." Ryder says with a smirk. 

"Can we stop for a moment?" Jake asks. 

"Sure. You hungry?" Ryder asks. 


"What's up?" 

"I wanna sing a song to a girl." 

"So do I." 

"I want to sing a song to my girl that will express my true feelings to her." 


"Who do you want to sing to, Ryder?"  


"I thought you 'loved' Marley." Jake adds air quotes when he says loved. 

"I thought I did but I kissed Ryley the other week and it was amazing." 

"Oh yeah. Marls told me about how you were using Ryley."  

"I made a huge mistake." 

"Yeah, you did and you acted like a total d-bag while doing it." 

Ryder smacks Jake's arm. Jake winces and goes, "Ouch man." 

"I think I really like Ryley." Ryder says. 

"I'm just glad you aren't in love with Marley." 

"You better be glad of that."  

The boys start their game up again.


It was an ad break during a marathon of Cupcake Wars. Marley and Ryley lay on Marley's living room floor in onesies. Ryley wore a pink one with a hood while Marley wore a bright blue one with dark blue spots. They were having a sleepover at Marley's place. 

"So, how is it going with Ryder?" Marley asks as soon as the ads start. 

"There is nothing going on between us. He's just the guy who used me but I still like him a lot." Ryley says. 

"Do you wanna see something from last year that might make you like Ryder more?" Marley asks. 

"Yup." Ryley says. Marley rushes upstairs and comes back with a calender. 

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