Suit And Tie

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It's time for Prom!
Suit And Tie (the title of this chapter) is a song that will be featured in this chapter.



Ryder walks down the hall quickly, pushing past others to reach his girlfriends locker. He has a rose in hand and is a man on a mission. He reaches Ryley and goes onto one knee. Ryley is grinning already.
"Will you, Ms Ryley Anne Bridges, my true love, do me the honour of allowing me to escort you to Prom?" Ryder asks, smirking already.
"Oh my gosh. Yes!" Ryley shouts and he gets up and kisses her. He gives her the rose and she takes a whiff of the beautiful smell. He grabs her hand and walks her to class.
As class starts, Coach Sue's morning announcements start.
"Good morning pea brains and here are the school notices. First, I'd like to say that the toilets are finally able to flush after the last weeks extreme chili that made the toilet's not flush," Sue explains, "Now, the Prom King and Queen nominees. This year due to budget cuts, the Prom will be combined of Juniors and Seniors. So on with the nominees." Through the speaker you can hear Sue flicking card around.
Many students have started to cross their fingers and pray they are nominated. Ryley doesn't care but Ryder looks he cares a little.
"This years Prom King nominees are," Sue starts, "Jake Puckerman, Rory Flanagan and Ryder Lynn."
Ryder fist bumps the air and Ryley gives him a kiss. In another class, Rory is receiving flirtatious looks from girls and hi-fives from guys. In another classroom, Jake is receiving a kiss from Marley.
"Now the only category people actually care about; Prom Queen. The nominees are," Sue starts again, "Sugar Motta, Kitty Wilde and Marley Rose. Congratulations to everyone nominated." The broadcast finishes.
"This probably means you'll be running for Prom King and Queen with Kitty, doesn't it?" Ryley asks Ryder.
"It probably will since Sugar will go with Rory and Marley will definitely go with Jake." Ryder says to Ryley.
Ryley looks saddened and Ryder looks a little disappointed that Ryley wasn't nominated for Prom Queen instead of Kitty.


"Hello Jake." Kitty says, walking up to Jake's locker all seductively and flirty.
"What do you want, Kitty?" Jake asks, sorting out some of the books in his locker for his next classes.
"You and me should run for Prom King and Queen together." Kitty says, tapping her long finger nails against the lockers.
"I've already promised Marls, Kitty. You're too late." Jake says, putting books into his backpack.
"Drop the bullimic loser and we could be the most popular and loved couple at McKinley." Kitty says.
"Excuse me?"
"I love Marley."
"I bet you haven't made it pass second base."
"Yes, we have made it all the way."
"You should probably cut Marley some slack and stop imagining me when having sex with her."
"Why would I imagine you when having sex with the girl I love?"
"Cause having sex with her is probably like having sex with Honey Boo Boo's mom."
"Cut all this crap, Kitty! I though you and Marley were all cool this year. I can definetely tell you haven't one single bit."
"Looks like I'm running with Ryder then."
"You should just drop out of Prom Queen anyway. Give Ryley something good for the night. You know she's had a bad life."
"Why are you sticking up for Idiot's girlfriend anyway?"
"She's a good friend, she's dating my best friend and she's Marley's best friend."
"Ryley doesn't need anyone sticking up for her."
"She does. Especially when someone like you is always bitching about her."
"Just shut it, Three nipple."
"Excuse me, Kitty?" A voice asks from behind Kitty, tapping the blonde cheerios shoulder. Kitty turns on her heel to face the girl she just finished bitching about. Ryley swings a slap at Kitty's face. Kitty's hand immediately attachs to her cheek.
A fight breaks out between the two girls. Ryley is actually holding back her actual strength. If she could, she'd be breaking most of the bones in Kitty's body. There's hair pulling, pushing against lockers and slapping.
"Stop it!" Finn shouts, pushing through the crowds to break the fight up.
"Break it up you two." Mr Schue shouts, following Finn through the crowd in the hallway.
Finn holds back Ryley while Mr Schue grabs Kitty by the arms to hold her back. The two girls are dragged now to the principals office. Jake, who watched the entire fight and was absolutely in shock, texts both Ryder and Marley to tell them of the fight that literally just happened.

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