Camp Glee Rock - Part 1

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Yes, hinting from the title, I am doing Camp Rock. Yes, it is another Disney musical and I have done Disney musicals before (See the sequel to RoseBerry titled 'Three' for that version of High Musical School). I'll be using a song I used in the last chapter as an audition song for someone since I actually really liked the idea of that performance.

Enjoy this though!


"So, you auditioning for the musical?" Marley asks Ryley as they walk down the hallway at the beginning of the day.

"What is it?" Ryley asks.

"Camp Rock." Marley says.

"Yeah, I might try out for the role of Mitchie."

"Maybe Ryder might audition for the role of Shane."


"Let's get going to class. You got English right?"

"Yup. You?"


"Good luck with Mr Martinez. I heard somewhere he's in a bad mood today."

"I'll survive."


At Glee club that afternoon, Finn and Mr Schue face everyone and look a bit excited.

"So this year, Finn will be directing the musical after the sucess of last years musical of Grease. I wish you all good luck for those that will be auditioning for Camp Rock. Finn?" Mr Schue explains.

Finn steps forward, "I have some helpers for the musical. First is Artie Abrams," Artie wheels himself in and gets hugs from the Glee club members from last year, "Next is Blaine Anderson," Blaine gets a lot of hugs, "Santana Lopez," Santana gets a couple of hugs, "And Rachel Berry." Rachel gets a few hugs then kisses Finn.

"We are honoured to be here." Rachel says.

"It's awesome to have some Glee club legends here." Ryley says.

"Who are you?" Santana asks.

"My name is Ryley Bridges. I transferred here from New York." Ryley says.

"That's where three us are living right now." Rachel says.

"Nice." Ryley says.

"I have a note for the musical," Finn says, "One of them is that the characters Shane, Nate and Jason aren't brothers in this since we have no look alike Glee club members that can play brothers."

"Good luck with the auditions." Artie says.


The next day, auditions begin.

Marley and Jake are up first.

"I'm Marley Rose and I'll be auditioning for the role of Mitchie Torres but I'm fine with playing Caitlyn Gellar." Marley explains.

"I'm Jake Puckerman and I'll be auditioning for the role of either Shane Gray or one of the members of Connect 3."

"Good luck, Marley and Jake." Blaine says.

Marley nods then murmurs their song choice to the band. They then faces Finn, Artie, Rachel, Santana and Blaine.

[Marley (Jake):]

We were both young when I first saw you.

I close my eyes and the flashback starts:

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