Love Is All You Need

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This is like my fave story to write RIGHT NOW!

It's just I find the whole Ryley storyline interesting and her and Ryder are the cutest.

The sequel will probably become majority Ryder and Ryley with Jarley as the second main couple.



"So, Friday is Valentine's Day." Ryley says to Marley while they're sitting in Ryley's bedroom, just hanging out.

"Yeah. You got plans with Ryder?" Marley asks.

"I don't know. I think he's planning something for us. What about you and Jake?" Ryley asks.

"I think I'm ready to give myself to him."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Giving him my v-card."

"Wow. That's something."

"How far have you and Ryder gotten?"

"Second base."

"Wow. It took me and Jake a while to get to second base."

"That's because you two are taking it slow. I, on the other hand, gave him second base privileges for Christmas."

"You really like him, don't you?"

"Yup. And you really love, Jake don't you?"


Ryley smirks, "Well, just remind Jake to use protection."

Marley smacks Ryley's arm and causes Ryley to go "Ow!" but then the two girls start to crack up laughing.


Over at Jake's house, Ryder and Jake are hanging out.

"Dude, I want some help making this Valentine's Day perfect for Ryley. " Ryder says.

"How about we use your idea from last years Valentine's? You helped me with making it Valentine's week for Marley last year. Man, I'm gonna help you this year with giving your girl a Valentine's week." Jake says.

"Thanks man but I think I can do it on my own. It's a great idea though." Ryder says.

"Good luck, dude." Jake says.

"What are you doing with Marley?"

"We've been practicing a duet recently so we'll probably just sing that during the week."

"Awesome. I want to sing at least two songs to Ryley this week since I just want to make her feel special and forget all the crap that's happened in her life."


It's the start of the week. Friday is Valentine's Day.

Ryder walks up to Ryley in the hallway, with something behind his back.

"Hey Rye." Ryder says, greeting his girlfriend.

"Hey baby," Ryley gives him a quick kiss, "What's up?"

"I have something for you to start Valentine's week." Ryder says.

"Week? It's a day and Valentine's Day is on Friday."

"Yeah but I want you to feel really special for a week so everyday, you will either get a gift or a song. Today, a gift." Ryder pulls out the gift for her.

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