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Mr Schue and Finn brought the Glee club into the auditorium for Glee club rehearsals the week after their second girls vs boys competition. They all sat in a circle on the stage.

"Happiness is the theme of this week. I want to know what makes you all happy. Now, Finn has already passed out pieces of paper and vivids so you need to write at least one thing that makes you happy then we'll go around the circle and you have to say why that makes you happy." Mr Schue explains.

The Glee club scribble on the papers what makes them happy.

"I'll go first," Mr Schue says and shows off his piece of paper with 'Glee Club' written on it, "What makes me happy is teaching Glee club."

Finn grins and then holds his piece of paper up that says 'Love', "Love makes me happy. To be exact, being in love makes me really happy."

Rory holds his piece of paper, "Peanut butter makes me happy." Joe, Finn, Mr Schue and Sugar get what he means by loving Peanut butter and they laugh. Everyone else just looks really confused.

"God makes me happy." Joe says, holding his paper with a cross drawn on it.

"Money and my dear Artie." Sugar says, grinning and holding her paper up.

"Singing." Nellie says, turning her paper so everyone can see.

"Music." Abraham says, revealing his paper.

"Winning." Kitty says, showing everyone her paper.

"Music and my girlfriend." Charlie says, holding his paper up and looking at Aylin.

"Singing and my boyfriend." Aylin says, holding her paper up and looking at Charlie. The young couple kiss quickly.

"Being unique in my own way and being in Glee." Wade says, showing off his paper.

"Dancing and Marls." Jake says, revealing his paper.

"Singing, my mom and Jake." Marley says, turning her paper around so everyone can see.

Ryder didn't write anything on his paper. He just drew an arrow pointing in the direction of Ryley with a smiley face. He doesn't say anything but just smiles when he does this.

Ryley's the last one to reveal what makes her happy. She reveals her paper to be full of things; her grandma, Ryder, friends, Glee club, singing and performing.

"That is a lot, girl." Wade says.

"Well, a lot of things make me happy." Ryley says, smiling.

"You've definetely changed since the beginning of the year. You were that moody teen in the corner." Marley says.

"Yeah but I saw the light. A light called Glee club." Ryley says.

"What about me?" Ryder asks, mock pouting.

"You too." Ryley says. She kisses her boyfriend and mumbles a quiet "I love you" against his lips. He also mumbles an "I love you" against her lips.

Finn claps his hands together, "So the assignment of this week is Happiness. That means sing about what makes you happy."

The club sit in deep thought over what really makes them happy.


"I'm thinking of singing a song to Ryder," Ryley says to Marley by Marley's locker, "You?"

"To Jake." Marley says, closing her locker.

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