One Way Or Another (Teenage Kicks)

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I've decided to do a second Girls Vs Boys competition.

I just thought maybe this one would be better than the last.



Ryley was in awe at the sight of their Regionals trophy sitting in the cabinet in the choir room. Ryder's arms were around her from behind and she was resting her head on his chest.

"It look great in that cabinet." Ryley says.

"You were basically one of the main reasons we won." Ryder says.

"How?" Ryley says.

"Your solo was amazing." Ryder says.

Ryley looks up at Ryder, still in his arms, "I'm not the only reason."

"You singing Impossible was just beautiful and was the star of the show."

"I think Marley singing the lead for 22 was better than just me."

"Stop putting yourself down, babe. You were amazing and just beautiful. You always are."

Ryder kisses Ryley and when they part, Ryley mumbles a "I love you" against his lips. He says it back and they kiss again.

"Stop kissing." Kitty says as she enters the choir room, making Ryley and Ryder stop kissing and Ryley hide her face on Ryder's shirt.

"It's not my fault I want to show how much I love my beautiful." Ryder says.

"One, yes it is and two, just show it in your personal time." Kitty says.

Everyone else enters the choir room and takes their seats. Mr Schue and Finn come in discussing something. Mr Schue grabs a whiteboard marker and writes up on the board 'GIRLS VS BOYS'.

"Didn't we already do this assignment?" Marley asks.

"We did but that was basically in one of the first weeks of the year. Now, you all know each other better and know each others talents." Mr Schue says.

"It's perfect." Finn says.

"Finn, you have some news for everyone." Mr Schue says.

"Guys, this will be my last year co-coaching Glee club. I've been accepted into NYU for teaching. I'm heading to New York when this year ends. I'll miss you all but I won't be gone forever. I will help the Glee club when I'm on break. I'll bring Rachel with me. And Kurt. And Blaine. And Santana. And Brittany." Finn explains.

"We'll miss you too, Finn." Ryley says.

"You were a great Glee club coach." Sugar says.

"You need to live your dreams though." Aylin says.

"Now, split apart the girls from the boys!" Mr Schue says with a clap of his hands.


Kitty was still so bitchy.

She had given all the girls nicknames. Aylin was 'Turkish Bread', Nellie was 'Short Hair', Sugar was 'Spray Tan Hawk-Nose', Marley was 'Boobless', Unique was 'Precious' and Ryley was 'The Idiots Girlfriend'.

Then there were the guys nicknames; Rory was 'Silent Leprechaun', Jake was 'Three Nipples', Charlie was 'The Finn Hudson Look A Like', Abraham was 'Short Asian', Joe was 'Avatar' and Ryder was 'That Dude Who's Trying To Be Justin Bieber but he's an Idiot'.

Kitty was on a total rampage.

Ryley was the one who planned on stopping her.

She found Kitty in the cafeteria at lunch.

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