Hospital Blues

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So after the little cliffhanger from the last chapter, I decided to update this as soon as possible since I am almost finish this and am REALLY excited to write the sequel!

Second to last chapter of Superman!



So, here's what happened last time...

Literally as the song ends, Kitty pushes Ryley. Not onto the stage like during their Diva Off before Regionals but off the stage. Gasps are heard through out the auditorium. Ryder is first off the stage to help Ryley who's been knocked out as she hit the floor. It's complete silence as the rest of the New Directions besides Kitty jump off the stage to help Ryley.

Finn calls an ambulance with Rachel next to him, "Um, we need some help. A girl has been pushed off a stage at the National Show Choir Competition and was knocked out as she hit the floor," Finn says into the phone, "It was a pretty hard fall."

Inside Kitty's cold heart, she does feel a little guilty for this but she just pulls off a fake smug smirk then leaves the stage to go backstage.

Now let's continue the story...

Hospital doors open quickly.

Running. Rushing alongside a stretcher. It's all going so fast for him. Ryder has to stop.

His girlfriend is on that stretcher and he was running with it to stay with her but he can't catch it now. He's too tired from running. The stretcher is rushed into a private room so the doctors can determine what's going on with Ryley.

Ryley's Aunt Helen and Helen's fiancee, Nick, rush into the waiting room where Ryder is.

"Where's my niece?" Helen asks Ryder.

"They took her into a private room. They have to see what happened when she fell." Ryder says, sadness in his voice. He sits down, leaning his head back on the hospital waiting room wall. Helen sits next to him and Nick sits next to Helen.

"We know you love Ryley. I saw how you looked at her when you were at our house the other day. I saw the way you looked at her when you were at our house the other day. I saw the way you looked at her when you were on stage. I saw the pain on your face as she fell off the stage. You were the first off the stage to help her." Helen explains.

"That is true love." Nick says.

"I really do love her. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. She's beautiful, talented, sexy and she's helping me with my dyslexia." Ryder says, looking at his feet.

"Did she tell you about her friend Isabelle?" Nick asks.

"Yes. I thought she could turn me into a genius like she did with her friend." Ryder says, chuckling a little as his own comment.

"Another thing I saw when Ryley is with you just by spending that time at our house, was that she always just lit up when you were around. That's another sign of true love." Helen says.

"And the fact she was proud to introduce you as her boyfriend and love of her life." Nick says.

"Just don't go breaking little Rye's heart just like Keenan did." Helen says.

"I won't. I promise you here and now. Also, I've seen how hard she can punch and I think if I did break up with her, she'd punch me like that." Ryder laughs a little at the end of his comment. So do Nick and Helen.

The New Directions arrive at the hospital with bad news; they lost. Nick tried to explain that he enjoyed their performance and did vote for them but the other judges hated it. Vocal Adrenaline won.

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