The Morning After

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So after the cuteness at the end of Love Is All You Need, I just wanted to write a little cutesy chapter about what happened to the couples the next morning.
It's for both Ryder/Ryley & Jarley so enjoy!


The sun stings at her eyes.
It's morning. She opens her eyes to reveal she's using Ryder's chest as a pillow. Yeah, he's all muscular but he's chest is really soft. His arm is around her and she has both her head and hand on his chest.
She's sort of grateful to see that they are fully dressed since they didn't make love that night. After their make out session, they looked at the stars then drifted asleep.
Yesterday was the perfect end to her Valentine's Week. She finally told Ryder she loves him and he said it back. Then they just made out and she just loves the taste of his sweet candy lips.
She slowly lifts her head off his chest, grazing her hand along his chest. He's so cute when he's sleeping. Even though he currently has his mouth wide open and is sort of snoring but he's just so cute all the time.
This is why she loves him. He's so cute, protective, talented, a great kisser, has great abs, really sexy and is so adorable. Who couldn't love this guy? He's perfect.
He starts to twitch as she watches him. He's eyes start to flicker open. She looks away as soon as his eyes open so she won't look creepy just staring at him.
"Morning, babe." Ryder says.
"Morning, Ryd." Ryley says. She leans down and places a sweet kiss on his lips.
"Last night was just perfect." Ryder says.
"It was. Thank you for a perfect night. I love you."
"I love you so much."
"Okay, if this turns into one of those 'I love you more' contests, we will have turned into one of the cheesy couples ever."
"Don't worry. It's not." Ryder sits up and cups Ryley's cheek to kiss her.
Yeah, it's true; Ryder Lynn is perfect and the best boyfriend ever.


Jake wakes up to feel a soft weight on his bare chest.
Marley's head. He looks down to see just her hair a bit messed up. It's sex hair so it's definitely going to be messed up. He places a hand on her head softly and storkes it to feel that silkiness of her hair.
She starts to move so he takes his hand of her head. She looks up at him and smiles.
"Last night was amazing, Jake." Marley says.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Jake says.
"Enjoyed it? Oh, I enjoyed it so much, we did it twice." She sounds to seductive and beautiful. Jake smirks at her and kisses her. He cups her cheek and she puts her on his chest.
This leads to round three. Once that's done, they lay breathless on the bed.
"I just have to say you have a nice body, Marls. I don't know why you were so insecure about it last year." Jake says, facing her.
Marley faces Jake, "I love you so much, Jake."
"I love you too, Marls." Jake says. He kisses her again.
"We should probably get dressed and check out. My mom thinks I went to a sleepover at Rye's last night." Marley says, sitting up.
"Care to join me in the shower?" Jake asks.
"I'd love to." Marley says. The young (and naked) couple head into the shower and have some fun in their then leave the shower to get dressed and head to their houses.


Just a short chapter I thought of writing during my boring classes.
I just love both of these couples right now in this story so I am definetely writing a sequel titled Not Alone.
It will be mostly focused on Ryder & Ryley but Jarley will be the second main couple :)


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