This'll Be My Year

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"Sectionals." Ryley says as she enters the choir room for Sectionals. Again, Sectionals is at McKinley since they are the National champions two times running.

"Last year, we almost didn't make it past Sectionals." Marley says, entering the choir room after Ryley with her fingers intertwined with Jake's.

"What happened?" Ryley asks her best friend.

"Well, I was suffering with my bulimia a lot around that time and," Marley says, looking at Jake often when speaking, "I fainted on stage."

"Wow." Ryley says, really shocked and her eyes widening.

"Yeah but I've got help since then I'm fine now." Marley says. Jake kisses her cheek and the two go off to get ready.

"Hey babe." Ryder says, as he enters and puts his arm around Ryley's shoulder.

"Hey Ryd." Ryley says.

"That's a cute nickname for me." Ryder says with a smirk.

"I know it is like I'm Rye or babe." Ryley says.

Ryder kisses Ryley then goes off to get ready. She just stands and watches everyone enter then gets ready herself.


"You ready for this?"

Ryley turns on her heels to see the person asking the question. Her boyfriend.

"Yes." Ryley says.

Ryder kisses her head and then puts his arm her to give her a hug. She kisses his cheek then he let's go.

"We should get in position for Jake, Marley, Charlie and Aylin's song. They are up first." Ryder says. He walks away, slowly releases his hold on Ryley's hand as he slips away to his place. Ryley sighs once he's gone and watches her best friend sing with Jake, Charlie and Aylin for the first song from the side of the stage.

Jake walks on stage as the band begins.


Settle down with me

Cover me up

Cuddle me in

Marley walks on stage next.


Lie down with me

And hold me in your arms

[Jake & Marley:]

And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck

I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet

And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

The New Directions guys walk out from one side and the girls from the other. They pair up (Kitty & Joe, Charlie & Aylin, Rory & Unique, Ryley & Ryder, Abraham & Nellie and Sugar & a member of the band)

[Jake & Marley with New Directions:]

Kiss me like you wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

This feels like falling in love

Falling in love

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