Moves Like Jagger

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One couple are going to take it all the way in this chapter but there is also a saddish flashback.
I think you probably can guess which couple it is but just be grateful I don't know how to write smut. I would if I could but all I know about sex is what I've read in Glee fanfics, heard described on TV and what my dirty minded friends have told me.
Also, I'm mentioning the old school Ryley went to in NY and since I've never been to NY before, I'm just making up a name.

Enjoy though!


"Last week was all about happiness. Now it's time to be sexy. That's right, sexiness is coming McKinley for the assignment of the week." Mr Schue explains in Glee club.
Hi-fives and cheers come from around the club. Some aren't happy about it though. Ryley is one of them. Yeah, she's alright with it but she doesn't want to act sexy. She's sort of uncomfortable about her body and the last time she acted sexy was when she went all the way with her ex-boyfriend, the one that used her to keep his reputation of being a player intact. Whenever she thinks of being sexy, that moment last year comes back to her mind to haunt her...

New York High School, 2013...

Ryley went outside of the school gymnasium where the Sadie Hawkins dance was being held at her high school. She had to look for her boyfriend, Keenan Mitchell. He was so cute with his spiky black hair, his tan skin, his cute eyes and his abs. Oh god, his amazing abs.
She walked around the back of the school gym in her light blue dress and flats. That's when she saw Keenan; he was making out with Tayla McKenzie, the captain of the school's cheerleading squad. Of course Keenan would be making out with her. He's the school's football quarterback. He's also the school's biggest player/womanizer.
"Keenan?" Ryley says, her voice shakey and tears threatening to pour down her cheeks, wanting to ruin her make-up.
Keenan and Tayla stop making out. Tayla fixes up her long light brown hair and looks at Ryley, annoyed as hell.
"Looks like you've been dumped." Tayla says, her tone being bitchy.
"Is this true, Keenan?" Ryley asks, almost crying.
"It is. You were fun but now sexy enough for me. We had our time now it's over." Keenan says.
"I loved you!" Ryley shouts, crying now.
Tayla starts to laugh at Ryley's outburst. Keenan looks a bit annoyed but he speaks calmly, "I used you. I have a reputation for humping and dumping. You were my latest victim, crack baby."
Tayla's still laughing. Ryley's crying, ruining her once perfect make-up.
"Off you go, mommy's girl. Oh wait, your mommy never loved you." Tayla says, laughing and waving.
"You told her!" Ryley shouts.
"I told everyone." Keenan says with a small but evil laugh.
Ryley walks up to Keenan, slaps him then also slaps Tayla. She then walks away and goes to call her Aunt Helen.
"Hello?" Aunt Helen answers. Helen is her father's sister. Her dad and Aunt Helen haven't talked in years but Helen was happy to bring Ryley in when she was having problems.
"I need you to pick me up." Ryley says, crying at the entrance to the gym.
"What happened?" Aunt Helen asks with her usual caring tone.
"Keenan used me. I saw him making out with the captain of the cheerleading squad." Ryley says.
"Oh honey," Aunt Helen says, "I'll be there as soon as I can. Meet me by the front gate."
"Thank you. See you soon." Ryley says. She hangs up, puts her phone in her purse then goes to the front gate. As soon as she sees her Aunt Helen and gets into the car, Ryley cries all over again...


Ryley shakes the flashback from her mind. She realises she has a couple of tears when Ryder looks at her and wipes away the tears on her cheek with a caring expression. He kisses her and then squeezes her hand tightly but too tightly.
"Why were you crying?" Ryder asks, his voice quiet.
"I just remembered something sad that happened to me back at my old school." Ryley answer, her voice also quiet.
"Was it to do with your ex? You can tell me about it." Ryder says.
"I'll tell you later. I can't tell you now since we're still in Glee club." Ryley says.
"You just need to remember that whenever you remember things you don't want to remember from your past, you can tell me and trust me since 1, I'm your boyfriend and trust is in the description of being a good one and 2, I love you with all my heart." Ryder explains.
Ryley kisses him then leans her head on his shoulder.

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