Closer (Graduation)

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I will write this, upload it and see how you guys like the final chapter THEN I'm going to start writing the sequel titled NOT ALONE!



"I used to always say as a kid I wanted to be in a wheelchair. I never knew I'd actually need one when I got older." Ryley complains as Ryder pushes her wheelchair down the McKinley High hallway to her locker. It was only last week on Friday that she was put into this wheelchair. She's had the weekend to get used to it but now she's back at school for the last week of the semester.

"Well, you have this last week of semester then you have the first three weeks of summer. After that, we can go out and do all the fun summer activities that involve both of us walking." Ryder says, arriving at Ryley's locker. The annoying thing about Ryley's locker is that it's one that's up on the top row. She tells Ryder her combination then he unlocks it for her.

"Can you get my books out and into my bag for me?" Ryley asks.

"Yup." Ryder says. He knows Ryley's timetable so he grabs the books she needs for her classes then he puts them into her bag.

"Thank you, Ryd." Ryley says.

"Let's go to English class." Ryder says then pushes Ryley's wheelchair to their English class.


"Kitty can I talk to you?" A voice asks Kitty from behind as the blonde cheerleader walks down the hallway later in the day.

"What do you want, new Wheels?" Kitty asks, turning around and putting one of her hands on her hips.

"An apology. I think that's all you owe me." Ryley says.

"I don't owe you anything." Kitty says and begins to walk off.

"You damaged my spine, Kitty!" Ryley shouts out, "Don't you feel guilty inside that cold heart of yours for that."

Kitty stops in her tracks and walks back to Ryley, "I do feel a little guilty. It's because of me we lost and that you're in a freaking wheelchair."

"It's no one's fault we lost. The judges just didn't like our performance. That's all, Kitty so don't go blaming yourself." Ryley says.

"We have next year at least." Kitty mumbles.

"Exactly." Ryley says.

"I'll see you in Glee club later." Kitty says and begins to walk away.

"Laters." Ryley says, starting to turn her wheelchair to go in the other direction.

"And Ryley?" Kitty says, turning on her heel quickly.

"Yeah." Ryley says, about to wheel off.

Kitty sighs, "I am sorry."


"Now we are one week away from the Graduation of our three seniors; Mr Rory Flanagan, Ms Sugar Motta and Mr Joe Hart." Mr Schue says to begin Glee club.

"We are also saying goodbye to Finn." Ryder points out.

"Yes since I am leaving to New York as soon as possible." Finn says.

"Is it true you proposed to Rachel when we were in New York?" Marley asks.

"Yes. It's our second attempt at getting married." Finn says with a smirk.

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